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{{main|2395 Revolution of Empherias}}[[Rijkdottir Abigail]] began finally began tweaking her government in December 2396, and invited Felix D'laminet to form a government as her Prime Minister on 1 January 2397.
==Felix D'laminet's Tenuretenure (2397–2411)==
{{See also|Provisional Government of Empherias|Second D'laminet administration of Empherias|Third D'laminet administration of Empherias}}{{See also|Welfare State of Empherias|Treaty of Nieuwbourg}}
=== First term ===
Felix D'laminet as Prime Minister didn't have much direct experience running the country, so he wanted to get as much talent as he could to run the government. Furthermore, he was aware that the country needed stability as well as the Populist movement. He needed to include all branches of the populist ideology to appease everybody - including the violent [[Alarkist movement|Alarkist]] movement. One of D'laminet's key objectives was to modernise the state and finally finish the industrialisation process. But, he was still worried about the new faction of [[Frankist movement|Frankists]] which had congregated and wished to restore the monarchy to power under the previous monarch, James VII. Many nobles and monarchists ''had'' fled to neighbouring countries though and D'laminet wished to put the violent Alarkists into a department that could handle any insurgency attempt. Therefore, one of the first departments that the Prime Minister created was the [[Department of War and Civil Obedience (Empherias)|Department of War and Civil Obedience]]. He then appointed Henry Alark as it's [[Minister of War and Civil Obedience (Empherias)|Minister]], and appointed many of his allies to key posts as parliamentary undersecretaries to the department, heads of the civil service, or into the [[Armed Forces of Empherias]].
==== Noble Insurgency ====
Henry Alark, the newly appointed Minister of Defence, would be tasked with turning the military into a formidable force able to fend off against a noble insurgency if it happened. General William Weslington was made Chief of the Armed Forces and would begin rigorous army officer training with appointments based on a meritocracy rather than birth-right. The National Army of Empherias would be reformatted from the previous monarchist rule and would be indoctrinated into new democratic values and taught at their military schools the negatives of monarchist rule. Elite troops would be inducted into the Royal Guards which would hold permanent standings in major cities and train lower ranked troops and officers. Various militia would be made up of volunteers and would begin training of two years - although there was fear in government that they didn't have that time.
The Battle of Priscei Cathedral broke out as noblemen rose up in the city of Priscei on 7 September 2397 and capture the city without resistance. Using local farms and food stores, they held in the town for two weeks as they were surrounded by the Empherias Army. Henry Alark personally. The noblemen, Lord Peter Rindelburg, had around 5000 militia although they were poorly trained and armed following restrictions on gun usage. The army surrounding the city was made up of 600 royal guards, and 15,000 national army troops. They laid a blockade which lowered the supplies of the nobles until 14 September. The following day, Alark ordered a siege and barraged the city from all sides. Due to superior training and morale, the Populist suffered just 800 casualties while the poor morale of the noblemen troops (because they fought out of obligation not genuine agreement) led to 4300 casualties, wiping out nearly the whole army from injuries, death or prisoners of war. Henry Alark had won the battle within just a week. Lord Peter was captured, had his titles stripped and was put on trial as a regular man in the Court of Wynnoa where he was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death.
The embarrassing defeat of the insurgency saw monarchist support dwindle. Many local lords still in power were forced to support the government or be moved from their posts by force from the people. The former Rijkse's disappearance and apparent happiness to live in a country estate in Hvede also led to the idea that the change to government was supported by the God as the new Rijkdottir supported the change. Many placed trust in the new government, especially the working class, who were able to vote for the first time. Some monarchist supporting nobles were stripped of their titles and lands to scare other lords from supporting monarchism. Rijkdottir Abigail released a statement on 1 December 2397 which essentially announced her decision to remove all her proper power and give it to the Prime Minister via royal prerogative, making her fundamentally a figurehead.
==== HousingDomestic policypolicies ====
Felix D'laminet's main priority was modernising all laws within Empherias. Although serfdom and slavery was uncommon, it was outlawed entirely in the [[End of Serfdom Act 2397 (Empherias)|End of Serfdom Act 2397]] with an end to all loopholes. He introduced a group of inspectors called the [[Inspector Elite]], made up of tax collectors and other such guards, to go to real estate and make sure the land owners were obeying the law, paying the right taxes, etc. Furthermore he established the [[Department of Intelligence (Empherias)|Department of Intelligence]] to led by [[Spymaster (Empherias)|Spymaster]] [[James Cairns|Sir James Cairns]]. These spies would not be used for neighbouring countries but be used to spy on prominent nobility to ensure they weren't plotting a counter revolution. The department was key in alerting the government to the later noble insurgency and the Battle of Priscei Cathedral and may be credited for helping in the Populist victory. The Protection of Artefacts Act 2397 legally protected ancient artefacts and monuments under government ownership to be delegated to public or private museums with licences - however it allowed the government to seize any personal property it wished using a loophole<ref>This loophole was closed by [[Prime Minister of Empherias|Prime Minister]] [[Alice Rettels]] in the [[Protection of Artefacts Act 2428 (Empherias)|Protection of Artefacts Act 2428]].</ref>. Furthermore, the prison system was reformed in the [[Prisons Act 2397]] which notably expanded the reasons that one could be sent to prison. A controversial new law was the ability of the judiciary to sentence people to death on the terms of conspiracy, which resulted in hundreds of nobles being killed without much evidence. The enlisting of soldiers was made easier and it's training programmes expanded under Henry Alark and the [[People's Army Act 2397]].
Line 34 ⟶ 40:
In May 2398, Alistair Rettels and Harry Redworks travelled with an envoy to the Hveden Federation to stop any idea of intervention in a position insurrection by monarchists harbouring in Hvede - and for asking for legitimised recognition of the new government. Similar trips would carry on throughout the term to all neighbouring nations.
things in 2398 here (focus on Housing and electoral reform)
February 2399 saw the introduction of the Ministry of Information, headed by Minister for Information Emmelie Ratsenberg. A new public paper, the "Eye in Esthullen" would be managed and headed by the ministry but private papers would be promoted to. It is believed that this year saw a large scale collaboration of the Ministries of Intelligence and Information to curb monarchist sentiment.
things in 2399 here (focus on Healthcare)
Felix D'laminet worked with the appointed [[Minister of Health (Empherias)|Minister of Health]] [[Bonnie Wallace]] to establish the [[Empherias Healthcare Service|'''Empherias Healthcare Service''']]. Whilst tooling on the department, the Chancellor of the Exchequer suggest paying for the service via an increase in traditional income taxes but after consideration this idea was dropped in favour of a new national insurance system. The healthcare service would purchase all private healthcare companies and services and integrate their systems into a large unified and efficient service. These healthcare companies would have no choice in the acquisition but would receive compensation and job offers within the new service. Initially, dentists, opticians and ear doctors were not covered under the healthcare service although it did introduce government loans for these services at reduced interest and increased return time.
Line 45 ⟶ 47:
The welfare state would also include state pensions and a sickness benefit. Child benefits would be introduced soon after which would be paid to families per child if their parents didn't earn enough income. Felix D'laminet did not introduce benefits to pay for those unemployed or homeless as it introduced the [[Office for the Unemployed in Empherias|Office for the Unemployed]] which would help people find jobs and had begun the process of building thousands of new social housing. Benefits would be exempt from slaves and be attainable by all working or had citizenship or a primacy visa.
Henry Alark would found the [[Navy of Empherias]] on 3 March 2400 and would hold a massive ceremony on the Ewynn river for it. [[Minister of Foreign Affairs (Empherias)|Minister of Foreign Affairs]] [[Alistair Rettels]] announced that a deal with the government of [[Ahitereira-Koresa]] had been signed after various rounds of negotiations on 1 July 24002401. This deal, the [[Treaty of Nieuwbourg]], was ratified by the Empheri parliament on 828 JulyNovember 24002401 after some unforeseen delay. It would see Empherias gain an ocean-side port on international waters and the Navy assigned it as their main base of operations - the deal went into effect on 1 January 2402. The treaty would see a huge uptick in support for the nation as allies and also showed the government that the nation may be ready for international relations and trade once again as there had been a worry that other countries would be worried of spreading the Empherias revolutionary ideals. Empheri workers imported would work alongside local workers to fill local unemployment to build a new port although this would be done with cheap materials in a quick time. The predicted construction closure was expected in late 2403. The port would have tariffs set directly by the Empheri government, but the land the port is on would be rented with $1.2 million paid annually to Ahitereira-Koresa. Furthermore, 50% of all profits earned by the port would be handed over to them too. Several railways were built to connect the port to [[Vreimer]] and [[Tyrs]] for processing trade. This year began a huge expansion in housing and population in Vreimer.
things in 2401 here
Homosexuality for both men and women was made officially legal in the [[Sexualities Act 2402]], although it was a non-punishable crime prior to this.
Line 54:
=== Second term ===
{{See also|2402 Empherias general election|Treaty of Nieuwbourg}}
The 2402 general election saw new parties elected to the legislature for the first time in history. Some parties had representation before through defections and rebellions. The Liberals and Conservatives had run prior to the 2395 revolution but had massively reformed their party. The populist ruling party, who previously had free reign over the parliament with few opposition, now had to run a minority government only returning 288 seats. They did eat uptake a lot of the leftist vote, rivalsthough withthe therival Socialist party led by Elizabeth Rose who won just 50 seats, seeingwhile the old Liberals and Conservatives massively declinedeclined in terms of seats. They could count on Socialist votes to pass many laws in parliament, with whom policies often overlapped.
During the election campaign, the Populists promised education reform, an investment to infrastructure, and new housing legislation. One infrastructure investment he specifically wanted to focus on was expanding roads for automobile use with more money to big cities to build more public transport systems. He believed heavily in expanding railway usage nationwide.
More 2402 election details
==== Housing policies ====
One of the main priorities for the new administration was to solve a growing housing problem.
One of the main priorities for the new administration was to solve a growing housing problem. They would give away large amounts of buildable land on the outskirts of cities and this led to the creation of many new suburbs. It was of the government's interest for these to be poorer in quality than previous and be made from primarily wood. Meanwhile, new builds in the city would be made out of brick and concrete to avoid the spreading of fires in the much denser cities. To lead this, the government created a High-Regulation Building Zone which had strict regulations to building, and a Low-Regulation Building Zone which would have little to no building regulations. HRBZs were given to major city interiors and historical city councils, while LRBZs were given to much smaller towns who wished to expand, and empty plots of land throughout the country. It was important that the new housing was much cheaper and this led to the creation of much smaller suburban houses, and some research and development to larger skyscrapers. The Socialists pushed through legislation that would create a government scheme to make housing purchases cheaper for the working class through mortgage loans for new buyers, and discouraging two house purchases.
By the dissolution of parliament in 2407, various investments made by the D'laminet administration had come to fruition. The infrastructure policy promised in the election promised large scale investment into public infrastructure such as roads, railways, and transport systems. The Minister of Transport reported on 17 March 2407, just before it's dissolution for the 2407 general election, that eleven new railway stations had opened in Wynnoa alone, with a further 35 nationwide. New lines were expanded across the entire country which now included a cross-country railway into the neighbouring nation of Weskynn. A new rail line had been opened in Wynnoa to the South Bank City, finally allowing for quick crossing between the two sides which had previously only been served by a ferry. The minister wasn't able to present a very detailed analysis on the government's role in expanding the highway network, but the government had taken the idea of automobiles seriously and issued the Book on Automobile's Regulations 2404 in response to their growing popularity and launched the Jets Inquiry (2405) into research on efficient roads for automobiles. In the meanwhile, an estimated further 860 km of road had been built. All of these transport improvements were government owned or privately funded in co-ownership with the government.
2407 before election
Having won the 2402 general election, the Prime Minister now had a personal mandate to rule the country. During the election campaign, he set a promise of education reform, an investment into infrastructure, and a change to housing legislation. He promised an investment into expanding roads for the use of automobiles, while also devoting money to big cities to build more public transport systems. It is worth noting that in order to govern, the Populists had to make a coalition with the Socialist party and had to concede some demands. For example, the Socialists wished to make new housing more available to the working class.
==== Housing policy ====
They would give away large amounts of buildable land on the outskirts of cities and this led to the creation of many new suburbs. It was of the government's interest for these to be poorer in quality than previous and be made from primarily wood. Meanwhile, new builds in the city would be made out of brick and concrete to avoid the spreading of fires in the much denser cities. To lead this, the government created a High-Regulation Building Zone which had strict regulations to building, and a Low-Regulation Building Zone which would have little to no building regulations. HRBZs were given to major city interiors and historical city councils, while LRBZs were given to much smaller towns who wished to expand, and empty plots of land throughout the country. It was important that the new housing was much cheaper and this led to the creation of much smaller suburban houses, and some research and development to larger skyscrapers. The Socialists pushed through legislation that would create a government scheme to make housing purchases cheaper for the working class through mortgage loans for new buyers, and discouraging two house purchases.
==== Other policies ====
Line 86 ⟶ 70:
The Prime Minister, and Minister of Defence Henry Alark announced an expansion to the Empherias army. This included an expansion to the number of reserves, which reached the goal of 70,000 in November 2406. There was also an urge to setup new barracks around larger cities, especially those near foreign countries. This pledge was somewhat successful, with 3 barracks being setup in cities on the Koresan border, 5 on the Palakkinen border and 11 across all other borders. A boy scouts programme was introduced for younger children to learn military discipline and military schools were setup for older students.
Alongside army reforms, the Ministry of Defence founded the Empherias navy in 2403. They pledged to have a working battleship by the end of 2413 which was a lofty and ambitious goal. All construction would happen in Nieuwbourg, as there was a concern of the battleship accidentally causing damage to the city, or being too big for the cities' ports. In order to not risk disobeying the treaty stipulations, fifty-percent of the work on building the battleship would be done by Koresan workers. There were discussions with several world naval powers to acquire plans and blueprints for new ironclad dreadnought type ships, alongside domestic research. The Ministry would
The government would introduce a wealth tax on those earning more than 250,000 krones per year which would be equal to 0.75x their income tax bracket.
==== Noble Insurgency ====
Henry Alark, the newly appointed Minister of Defence, would be tasked with turning the military into a formidable force able to fend off against a noble insurgency if it happened. General William Weslington was made Chief of the Armed Forces and would begin rigorous army officer training with appointments based on a meritocracy rather than birth-right. The National Army of Empherias would be reformatted from the previous monarchist rule and would be indoctrinated into new democratic values and taught at their military schools the negatives of monarchist rule. Elite troops would be inducted into the Royal Guards which would hold permanent standings in major cities and train lower ranked troops and officers. Various militia would be made up of volunteers and would begin training of two years - although there was fear in government that they didn't have that time.
The Battle of Priscei Cathedral broke out as noblemen rose up in the city of Priscei on 7 September 2397 and capture the city without resistance. Using local farms and food stores, they held in the town for two weeks as they were surrounded by the Empherias Army. Henry Alark personally. The noblemen, Lord Peter Rindelburg, had around 5000 militia although they were poorly trained and armed following restrictions on gun usage. The army surrounding the city was made up of 600 royal guards, and 15,000 national army troops. They laid a blockade which lowered the supplies of the nobles until 14 September. The following day, Alark ordered a siege and barraged the city from all sides. Due to superior training and morale, the Populist suffered just 800 casualties while the poor morale of the noblemen troops (because they fought out of obligation not genuine agreement) led to 4300 casualties, wiping out nearly the whole army from injuries, death or prisoners of war. Henry Alark had won the battle within just a week. Lord Peter was captured, had his titles stripped and was put on trial as a regular man in the Court of Wynnoa where he was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death.
The embarrassing defeat of the insurgency saw monarchist support dwindle. Many local lords still in power were forced to support the government or be moved from their posts by force from the people. The former Rijkse's disappearance and apparent happiness to live in a country estate in Hvede also led to the idea that the change to government was supported by the God as the new Rijkdottir supported the change. Many placed trust in the new government, especially the working class, who were able to vote for the first time. Some monarchist supporting nobles were stripped of their titles and lands to scare other lords from supporting monarchism. Rijkdottir Abigail released a statement on 1 December 2397 which essentially announced her decision to remove all her proper power and give it to the Prime Minister via royal prerogative, making her fundamentally a figurehead.
=== D'laminet's Third Term ===
{{See also:|2407 [[Empherias General Election of 2407|2407 Generalgeneral Election]]election}}
FollowingThe a2407 supplygeneral andelection demandended agreementin witha Elizabethsimilar Rose'soutcome socialistto party,the previous - D'laminet setleading fortha establishingminority thegovernment agendawith fora hissupply thirdand termdemand agreement with Elizabeth Rose's socialist party. Not wanting to maintain total life long political power, he began plans to have his deputies have major support from the party and the country and with similar ideas to maintain democracy in a fresh country. Henry Watford and Robert Webber would begin making more frequent statements to the house of parliament as well as addresses via radio and newspapers.
==== Population growth policies ====
Line 121 ⟶ 88:
In September 2409, the House of Parliament passed the Tbekien Integration Act 2409 which would integrate the Tbekien territory officially into the Kingdom. A local governor was installed and given a cabinet position as the Minister of Tbekien although this office was later abolished during the 2450s in favour of a new Tbekien Assembly headed by a Mayor. The first ministerial position would be represented by Tbekien native Wigfred Eghloreson, a Populist MP.
Early in 2410, the Populist government began deep negotiations with Ahitereira, Karkuss and Hvede, to create an alliance within East Alaxia. The alliance lacked any clear goals and so the negotiating process took a while, went nowhere, and was greatly criticised by opposing political parties and even some party members and coalition members. After nearly a year of negotiations, the Foreign Minister eventually brought back a deal that had been signed with only the Hveden Federation and Kingdom of Karkuss establishing the AHEKEwynnia Security Alliance. The name would be an acronym of all signing parties, although it included Ahitereira who didn't sign up inshortened theto endESA. The alliance morphed into a mutual defence alliance with pledges to defend the other with only some other benefits, that of a somewhat open border policy.
Outside of the AHEK AllianceESA, Empherias and Hvede signed a private deal, the Empheri-Hveden Technology Pact (EHTP). This would be negotiated by the Minister of Defence Henry Alark and Foreign Minister Alice Rettels and would promise the immediate handing over of control of the entire Empheri army to command of the Hveden government in case of a war of either country. The opposition criticised this government agreement as it took away much of Empherias' autonomy in terms of military operations, perhaps removed Alark's command over any forces, and could drag Empherias into any pointless Hveden war - offensive or defensive. This was unpopular after the revolution just ten years earlier had plunged the country into a state of disarray without much fighting itself. The EHTP would also guarantee the sharing of up to date army and naval technologies between the two countries which would keep the Empheri army up to date. Furthermore, both countries would gain military access to each other's territory and naval ports. A notable exception was commercial ports, which did not have free access.
Finally, the Treaty of Nieuwbourg would be amended and ratified with little real changes. Rijkdottir Abigail, under the advice of the Prime Minister, declared neutrality in the Great War. However, they stated that the Military Hveden Protocol would stay in effect, essentially meaning if Hveden joined the war, then Empherias would send troops to help.
==== Education policy ====
D'laminet opted for a different approach to Education in his third term. Socialist MP Liza Veys would be appointed Minister of Education and proceeded with reforms. Primary education would be until 10 years of age, with secondary education introducing mandatory language learning for either Kusfeldic Hveden or Ahitereiran at age 11. An optional third language would be introduced at age 14 additionally. Children could leave school at age 16 and become a legal adult and be able to earn an adult's minimum wage. All children will take an exam at the end of Primary at age 10, and end of Secondary at age 16 to get qualifications. Later education starts at age 17 and will include universities. The first official government university was established in 2409 as Esthullen National College was turned into Esthullen University.
==== Other policies of the government ====
The populists early promised a devotion to industrialisation by committing to having the majority of the country industrialised by 2417 - just ten years. They promised an enlarged railway and transport network, with 15% more railway tracks, newer and up to date trains, safety procedures, and refurbished train stations; house prices that would increase price per year lower than the inflation rate; double the amount of reserve troops and equipment in army by 2413; an increase of 20% in the number of graduating school children leaving school with qualifications; higher average incomes for adults over 25; and better wealth and social equality across classes, gender, and race.
Of these promises, by their midterm of 2410, none had been achieved despite their implemented policies. After three years in office since the election, there had been just 200 metres more railway tracks built serving a line in West Esthullen, no new trains had been deployed since 2406, no safety procedures had been introduced amid fear of becoming overly safe, and no major train station refurbishments. However, of the railway promises, the government did announce an extra $20 million in funding for the government's railway initiative in late 2409, and scheduled refurbishments for three major Wynnoan stations to take place in March 2411. These did have some effects on enlarging the railway network, but overall so no major changes. There also were no changes to overall transport networks and other modes lacked any commitment. House prices did stay relatively stable especially with the planned 100,000 new government houses, of with 62% had been finished by 2410. With inflation at 2.7% and house prices rising just 0.4% on average of the previous three years. The army, apart from commitments in foreign policy, did not grow in size at all, let alone the committed doubling - however there still had another three years before the promise had to be delivered and some couple thousand troops were in minor training as of late 2410. With some education reforms, by 2410 the percentage of graduating school children leaving with degrees increased by a mere 7% instead of the promised 20% although this was a positive step. Higher average incomes, if accurate, did not effect the majority of the working class enough and many still complained of low wages. Overall, wealth and social equality remained relatively the size. In general though, industrialisation seemed to be going smoothly as many new factories were being built alongside companies and consumer goods increased in production.
==== End of D'laminet's premiership ====
Many opposition parties agreed that the government was becoming fatigued after a decade in power and the Socialists pulled out of the coalition agreement in November 2410, leaving the government with a minority government. Furthermore, by January 2411, there were rumours that Felix D'laminet was tired behind the scenes and wanted to resign anyway. D'laminet finally announced his resignation on 15 January 2411 as both leader of the party and Prime Minister - the first change of power since the revolution. D'laminet was careful to have a peaceful transfer of power and instate a stable figure. Immediately, a leadership election would begin to take place in February between Populist MPs. Early candidates were Harry Redworks, Robert Webber, Henry Watford, Henry Alark, Charlotte Regel, and Maria Harris.
=== Elisabeth Rose (Part One) ===
=== Henry Watford ===
=== Robert Webber ===
=== Elisabeth Rose (Part Two) ===
Henry Watford, the Deputy Prime Minister, immediately become a front runner in the race and allied himself with the other front runner, Chancellor of the Exchequer Robert Webber. The alliance of these two moderates disenfranchised many candidates, who all dropped out besides Redworks and Alark. John Saxon soon joined the race. Robert Webber voluntarily withdrew to create a double ticket of 'Watford and Webber'. When the election results came in, the Watford and Webber ticket consumed 81.5% of the votes from MPs, who wanted more moderate rule. Alark, the second most popular, got a reasonable 15.4%, while Redworks ended with 2.5%, and Saxon with 0.6%. With the election done by March, D'laminet decided to dissolve parliament to begin campaigning for a general election.
=== Alice Rettels ===
D'laminet's reasoning would be that, instead of coronating Watford as his immediate successor, the public should get to choose once again with the new leader in place. It had also been 4 years since the previous election and the attitude of the time had changed, the 5 year cap was nearly approaching. Some speculated he did this to create a snap election precedent post-revolutionary reforms. Therefore, D'laminet continued as the caretaker interim Prime Minister until the election on 10 April 2411, while Watford was made immediate leader of the party on 2 March. Campaigning would begin shortly after.
=== Edward Broedesmore ===
== Chaos in government (2411–2415) ==
=== Skylar Lawrence ===
=== KatelynElizabeth RobertsRose's first term ===
{{See also|2411 Empherias general election}}
=== Sofia Hopkins ===
=== Lukas Knight ===
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