Revolutionary period of Empherias: Difference between revisions

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==== Education policy ====
{{Main|D'laminet and Veys Education Reforms 2409|Education in Empherias}}
D'laminet opted for a different approach to Education in his third term. Socialist MP Liza Veys would be appointed Minister of Education and proceeded with reforms. Primary education would be until 10 years of age, with secondary education introducing mandatory language learning for either Kusfeldic or Ahitereiran at age 11. An optional third language would be introduced at age 14 additionally. Children could leave school at age 16 and become a legal adult and be able to earn an adult's minimum wage. All children will take an exam at the end of Primary at age 10, and end of Secondary at age 16 to get qualifications. Later education starts at age 17 and will include universities. The first official government university was established in 2409 as Esthullen National College was turned into Esthullen University.
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==== Territorial expansion ====
Throughout the early parts of Watford's term, he aimed to expand Empherias' territory to bring in more people to the country, and to take advantage of more natural resources. Being very friendly with Hvede, he often met with Hveden leadership to discuss swapping territories in the south. Hvede claimed a large chunk of the southern polar territories, known as Vaiya, but didn't occupy it outright, and Empherias was asking for just 6 percent of this land. The Hveden Federation agreed to the sale in return for a nearly insignificant amount of money and a policy of open borders.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister met with the leadership in Kiavalar to open up embassies in both countries and greatly improve relations. The leader of Kiavalar had, for some time, been personal friends with Elizabeth Rose, leader of the opposition, and had many private correspondence with the Prime Minister. However, some in parliament believed that this could break the neutrality of Empherias, since Kiavalar was involved in the Great War.
[[File:Treaty of Karas Gateshaven Map.png|alt=Railway Line, Palarya -> Vaiyeins|thumb|{{Color box|ff0000}} Karkuss lands ceded to Empherias in 2413]]
On 26 December 2413, the King of Karkuss, the Prime Minister of Karkuss, the Rijkdottir Abigail I of Empherias, and Prime Minister Henry Watford of Empherias, all signed the Treaty of Kara{{En dash}}Gateshaven. This, in return for money in terms of gold, would have Karkuss cede the territory known as the Gates to Empherias, with extra promises of military exercises to take place between the countries. Negotiations for this land had taken place ever since the signatures of the ESA several years prior. This finally gave Empherias a proper sovereign coastline in the west.
==== Other policies ====
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Entering into 2413, the country found itself in an economic recession not seen since the revolutionaries years of 2396 and 2397. Causes of it could be the large scale military conflicts going on around it, but action was needed immediately. Firstly, Palakkinen was invited to join the economic ESA alliance. Palakkinen, adamant on maintaining a gold standard, joined soon after.
Secondly, Watford pauses the National Housing Association's actions, leaving the country both without welfare housing or its new alternative. He did not decrease taxes, instead using it to pay for investment in brand new private companies. The government halted a lot of its naval production with military factories being converted to ones for consumer goods. He also delays his government agenda by two years. Following this, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Robert Webber resigns, stating a 'noticeable disagreement between me and my right honourable friend that does not allow me to continue carrying out my job in good faith.' Elsewhere, in the southwest of Tbekien, large protests erupt in May over the unpopularity over the Minister of Tbekien, who promptly resigns. With these two positions vacant, he decides to expand the reach of his government. Currently, the Minister of Education, and the Minister of Health were held by Socialist MPs, but the new Minister of Tbekien was now a Socialist MP. He thought hard on a suitable replacement to be Chancellor, before choosing Lily Mae Byrne, who had previously served as a parliamentary undersecretary to the treasury under D'laminet. Webber stopped caretaker duties on 1 July, with Byrne taking over immediately. However, Robert Webber regretted his decision to resign, and repaired relations with Watford and then took on the position as the Chief Adviser to the Treasury on 17 September 2413, and then back as Chancellor of the Exchequer on 3 December 2413.
During Byrne's time as Chancellor, she set out plans to reduce taxes by five percentage points on all income tax brackets. However, this significantly reduced the government's ability to raise money and a large chunk of government education spending introduced in the past twenty years was removed. A tax on luxury goods equal to 30% of their value added was introduced known as the Secret Tax. Railway fares increased, 6 times their rates, to discourage travelling and save on coal and fuel for other important duties such as factory production and warmth. However, dubbed 'important' railway lines, such as the Nieuwbourg{{En dash}}Vreimer commercial line, and some Wynnoa{{En dash}}Esthullen lines, remained at regular prices. Despite the hike, the prices were still relatively low.
On 25 October 2413, the Socialists introduced a bill to the parliament which would put aside a large chunk of GDP to pay back debts borrowed during the D'laminet administration, which passed through parliament 248{{En dash}}241 after ten populist MPs rebelled. This further fuelled discontent in parliament, and distrust in Byrne who would leave a month later.
On 4 November 2413, before the summer recess, Watford would make a statement to the parliament stating that 'this crisis is no time for political games. Our agenda, which was clearly laid out last year, will go ahead as planned. We can guarantee that as long as the people of our great country continue to vote for our government in the next general elections, we can deliver all our promises within due time. D'laminet's honour will remain.' Following this, the Leader of the Opposition Elizabeth Rose states that 'through no fault of our own, a global recession has occurred. We, together, will get through this crisis. We won't spend time rushing issues that take time to develop and process and end up with a half-baked plan by the end of five years - such as the man opposite me suggests. We won't continue to miss and miss deadlines - such as the man opposite me does. We will take what is put in front of us right now and we will work it. We will beat this recession. We will still be doing the best we can to care for everyone equally and make sure everybody has a place to stay, and afford the ford they need, unlike the man opposite me.'
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