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{{HQ}}== Global Map of Cities ==
Work in Progress map of every city featured in the below list.
[[File:Oikia City Map 1.png|frameless|1399x1399px]]
== List of Cities ==
It is intended that each city within this list have a population of at least 100,000 individuals, excluding any capitals or cities of historical or cultural importance.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
Line 53 ⟶ 60:
Line 60 ⟶ 67:
|Major Port
|Major Port
|Historic Capital of the Baza Kingdom, named for Baza I. [[Bokanist Church|Bokanist]] Holy Site due to the piety of Kana Baza III
|Capital of Azyeri-Bordo
|Capital of the Kingdom of Bordo
|Birthplace of the Prophet Boka, and thus a Holy Site in the [[Bokanist Church|Bokanist]] Faith
|[[Federal Republic of Cralas|FR Cralas]]
The number of visiting pilgrims often exceed the city's permanent population
|[[Daevite Republic]]
|[[Dai Shun]]
|[[Dwarf Confederacy]]
|Most populous city in Blia, home to the Ptolis University and Ptolis Stadium
Line 151 ⟶ 243:
|Capital of the state of [], former Capital of the Nation, most populous city
|Capital of the state of Kashini, home to the [[Kashini Stock Exchange]], [[Ceironian National Industrial Conglomerate|CNIC]] Headquarters
|Capital of Ceironia
|{{C|Aljizari}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Aljizari]]
|Capital of the Aljizari secessionists
|{{C|Ciyugan_Republic}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Military Republic|Military]]
|Current de facto Capital of the Ciyugan Military Republic
|{{C|Ciyugan_Republic}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Military Republic|Military]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Republic}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Military Republic|Military]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Republic}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Military Republic|Military]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|National, National*
|Capital of Ciyuga and historic capital of the Kingdom of Itzecan.
Current de facto Capital of the Ciyugan Socialist Federation
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|{{C|Ciyugan_Federation}}[[Ciyuga]], [[Ciyugan Socialist Federation|Socialist]]
|{{C|Federal Republic of Cralas Flag}}[[Federal Republic of Cralas|FR Cralas]]
|New Freysia
|{{C|Federal Republic of Cralas Flag}}[[Federal Republic of Cralas|FR Cralas]]
|{{C|Daevite Republic}}[[Daevite Republic]]
|{{C|Daevite Republic}}[[Daevite Republic]]
|{{C|Daevite Republic}}[[Daevite Republic]]
|The Federal City of Erdkhan is the most populous city in the Daevite Republic
|{{C|Daevite Republic}}[[Daevite Republic]]
|Capital of the Daevite Republic
|{{C|Daevite Republic}}[[Daevite Republic]]
|Capital of the Hankhit Province
|{{C|Daevite Republic}}[[Daevite Republic]]
|{{C|Daevite Republic}}[[Daevite Republic]]
|Dai Han
|{{C|Dai Shun}}[[Dai Shun]]
|Dai Lan
|{{C|Dai Shun}}[[Dai Shun]]
|Dai Nan
|{{C|Dai Shun}}[[Dai Shun]]
|Dai Shu
|{{C|Dai Shun}}[[Dai Shun]]
|Dai Shun
|{{C|Dai Shun}}[[Dai Shun]]
|Capital of Dai Shun
|{{C|Dai Shun}}[[Dai Shun]]
|{{C|Dai Shun}}[[Dai Shun]]
|{{C|Dwarf Confederacy}}[[Dwarf Confederacy]]
|Capital of [[Zerrekania]]
|{{C|Dwarf Confederacy}}[[Dwarf Confederacy]]
|Capital of the Dwarf Confederacy
|{{C|Dwarf Confederacy}}[[Dwarf Confederacy]]
|Capital of Mansche
|Capital of Erdelicht
Line 157 ⟶ 824:
|Capital of Fazarian Islands?
|Home to the [[Middle Sea Aerospace Association|MSAA]]'s main Fazarian Complex
|Baba Kuval
|Baba Kuvhal
|One of the 7 largest cities in Fazar
|Baba Shal
|One of the 7 largest cities in Fazar
|Home to the [[Middle Sea Aerospace Association|MSAA]]'s secondary Fazarian Complex, One of the 7 largest cities in Fazar
|Headquaters of the [[Southern Sea Energy Company]], One of the 7 largest cities in Fazar
|One of the 7 largest cities in Fazar
|Capital of Hannokar?
Line 168 ⟶ 975:
|Capital of Fazar, one of the 7 largest cities
|Holy site to the Eastern Bokanist Faith practiced primarily in Ahitereira, Koresa, and Empherias
|New Azdeyri
|New Fariz
|New Pireta
Line 180 ⟶ 1,050:
|Capital of Pelegros?
|Home city of [[Breno Salgado]], One of the 7 largest cities in Fazar
|Port Feligir
|Capital of Feligir Exclave?
Line 194 ⟶ 1,092:
|Capital of Tuzal? Invaded during the [[West Alaxian War]]
|Invaded during the [[West Alaxian War]]
Line 254 ⟶ 1,159:
|Capital of the Ginsukyan Union following the loss of Eientei
|Home to the Ginsukyo Times Tower, a frequent host to tech conferences
|Capital of the Ginsukyan Union following the loss of Eientai
Line 310 ⟶ 1,215:
|Home to the prestigious Victor Chondria University
|{{C|Fazar}}[[Fazarian Occupied Ginsukyo|Ginsukyo, Fazar]]
Line 632 ⟶ 1,537:
|Capital of Koresa, headquarters of the International Association of Motor Sports
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|Kaer Anor
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|Kaer Ethelendir
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|Capital of Kiavalar
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|Tyn Lasgalen
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
|{{C|Kiavalar}}[[High Kingdoms of Alaxia|H.K.A.]], [[Kiavalar]]
Line 669 ⟶ 1,714:
Line 675 ⟶ 1,720:
Line 690 ⟶ 1,742:
Line 707 ⟶ 1,759:
|Home to a launch site of the [[Middle Sea Aerospace Association|MSAA]]'s Main Launch Complex
Line 728 ⟶ 1,780:
|Capital of the state of Surajan, built atop the ancient Sinkayyan city of Delahara
Line 768 ⟶ 1,820:
|One of the Jimarian Autonomous Cities
Line 798 ⟶ 1,850:
|Capital of the state of Urbaxia, Capital of Jimaria from 2410 - 2411
|One of the Jimarian Autonomous Cities
Line 810 ⟶ 1,862:
|One of the Jimarian Autonomous Cities
Line 817 ⟶ 1,869:
|One of the Jimarian Autonomous Cities
Line 830 ⟶ 1,882:
Line 837 ⟶ 1,889:
Line 844 ⟶ 1,896:
Line 851 ⟶ 1,903:
|Capital from the Revolutionary Period to the Great War
|Lothyran City
|Capital of Lothyran
|Port Ashuran
|One of the first fully planned cities in the world
Line 872 ⟶ 1,938:
|Capital of Malassia
Line 879 ⟶ 2,113:
|{{C|North Malayah}}[[North Malayah|Malayah, North]]
Line 886 ⟶ 2,120:
Line 893 ⟶ 2,127:
|North Malayah
|{{C|Nordleg Rike}}[[Nordleg Rike]]
Line 907 ⟶ 2,148:
|Nordleg Rike
|Located between two lakes on the River [[Ewynn]]
|Capital of Palakkinen
Line 935 ⟶ 2,204:
Line 942 ⟶ 2,211:
Line 949 ⟶ 2,218:
Line 956 ⟶ 2,225:
|Capital of Russ
|New Karham
|Capital of [[Dramadal]]
|Capital of Mayanjjà
|Capital of Vahmajja
|Largest city in Vahmajja
|Capital of Saxazà
|Historical city, former capital of the Saxì Xaharta of Sinkayya
|Capital of the [[Autonomous Region of Saxarta]]
|Capital of [[Mêzanjjà]]
|Capital of Vayrmorayjj
Line 1,006 ⟶ 2,345:
|Capital of Vuxmajjà
|Capital of Velafya
|Capital of Mayanjjùr
|Capital of Savajà
|Former capital of the Meysamzi Empire.
|Capital of Nišajjà; Historical city
|Named for revolutionary hero Šarayan. Capital of Tëštta.
Line 1,015 ⟶ 2,417:
|Capital of Sinkayya. City of religious and cultural importance.
|Capital of Zêmeyn-Jjunìjja, title historically held by Xankanì.
|Parts of the city's western bank under [[Ruskvy]]
|Historical city, founded as an encampment during the Kwalvari War
|Capital of Vaxtì-Jjunìjjja; Former capital of the Chiefdom of Kwalvar, leader state of the Kwalvari Confederation.
|Capital of the Italus Region
|Capital of the Oriental Blia Region
|Capital of the Aviena Region
|Capital of the Magnesia Region
|Capital of the Helva Region
|New Helva
|Capital of the Syndial Region
|Capital of Solan
|Capital of the Solia Region, Historic Capital of Solan
|{{C|South Solan}}[[South Solan]]
|{{C|South Solan}}[[South Solan]]
|Historic capital of the [[Cleostratian Federation]]
|{{C|South Solan}}[[South Solan]]
|{{C|South Solan}}[[South Solan]]
|Capital of South Solan, known as Rusgorod under Russ rule
|Capital of Suton
|Home to the Sutonese Strategic Nuclear Institute, birthplace of the Atomic Bomb
|Headquarters of the Shaik Systems Corporation
|East Qateshi Regional Headquarters of Kumidouga. Headquarters of ChoLU, Suton's largest internet provider. Also historical capital of West Suton and original headquarters of WISE.
|Home to the Ungaichi Canal
|Not to be confused with the Ungaichi Canal
|Historical Capital of Suton, Home to the Zakul Stock Exchange
|{{C|East Suton}}[[East Suton|Suton, East]]
|Capital of East Suton
Line 1,066 ⟶ 3,035:
|Headquarters of the Jimarian Occupation forces in Thrax
|Capital of Tushinmero, built atop the ancient Sinkayyan city of Khozikos
|[[Cian Cian]]
|[[The Vamu]]
|[[The Vamu]]
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