List of International Concord Proposals: Difference between revisions

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|Passed<ref>The Alsaran Delegate petitioned the International Court to override the proposal, on the grounds the Security Committee could not single out any single nation's delegation. The court upheld it as within the powers of the Security Committee.</ref>
|To ban further territorial claims in space, or any other non Oikian celestial bodies, excluding Paidi
|To amend the concord to remove the Security Committee's veto power, unless at least five
members of the Security Committee vote in favor of the veto
|Remove [[Ruslan Union|Ruslan]]'s delegation from the International Concord for the duration of their civil war
|Overturn measure SC 2504-08-1
|Failed to
|To suspend The [[Cralasian Free State|Free Cralasian State]] from the International Concord until they end their war
in Morinya
|To sanction the International Courts for corruption and only serving the interest of the Security
Committee, instead of the world at large
|To make Sections One and Two of the [[International Concord Charter|Concord Charter]] relevant and legally binding
|Rejected<ref>The IC Clerk ensured that the record would show the failure of the measure to pass did not make Section One and Two irrelevant, it just failed to change their relevancy</ref>
|The International Court will be expanded with the addition of a dedicated Court of Interstate
Disputes, which will be dedicated toward solving conflicts between member states of the
International Concord.
|SC 2505-05-1
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|The Supreme Court of the [[International Court]] will be the official interpreter of the [[International Concord Charter|Concord Charter]]
|SC 2505-05-2
|'''''[[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]'''''
|To negotiate with both sides of the [[Solanese Civil War]] to temporarily secure the nation's nuclear
stockpile until fighting has concluded
|To publicly provide timestamps of when each member of the Security Committee votes on any
given measure
|To amend the [[International Concord Charter|Concord Charter]] to remove Sections One and Two
|To make the voting of the Security Committee Public. IE; to have the manner in which each SC
delegate voted on any given SC vote revealed to the General Assembly
|To established the [[International Concord Aviation Organization]]; consisting of nineteen
independently chosen specialists who adopt standards and recommended practices concerning
air navigation, its infrastructure, flight inspection, prevention of unlawful interference, and
facilitation of border-crossing procedures for international civil aviation.
|To prohibit all future proposals referencing attempts to make the ICSC votes public and ICGA
votes private, and ban all attempts to sanction the IC Court.
|To ban proposals banning a type of proposal (IE; 2505-12-2)
|Void<ref>Violation of SC 2504-08-1</ref>
|To declare it illegal to attempt to contact or interfere in the civilizations upon the planet Adelfi,
until such a time as it can be certain such contact will not have drastic negative consequences
|To ban the genetic modification of embryos, except as a means to eliminate genetic diseases,
and to encourage nations to adopt stringent laws regulating genetic modification technologies
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== Footnotes ==
<references />
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