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{{Infobox Hveden elections|year=2341|election_day=30 May 2341|incumbent_president=[[Fritz Wentzel]]|president_candidate1={{Color box|FDF38E}} [[Alessand Braune]]|president_candidate2={{Color box|0087DC}} [[Fritz Wentzel]]|electoral_vote1='''1,829,655''' {{En dash}} '''68.89%'''|electoral_vote2=826,185 {{En dash}} 31.11%|senate_seats_contested=130 seats|senate_net_change=|senate_control=[[Federalist]]{{En dash}}[[Libertarian]] [[2341–2342 Federalist–Libertarian electoral coalition|coalition]]|senate_map=[[File:2341_Hvede_kings.png|350px]]|house_seats_contested=681 seats|house_control=[[Federalist]]{{En dash}}[[Libertarian]] [[2341–2342 Federalist–Libertarian electoral coalition|coalition]]|senate_largest_party={{Color box|FDF38E}} [[Federalist Party of Hvede|Federalists]] {{En dash}} 28655<br>{{Color box|0087DC73AF48}} [[NationalLibertarian Party of Hvede|NationalsLibertarians]] {{En dash}} 23441<br>{{Color box|73AF480087DC}} [[LibertarianNational Party of Hvede|LibertariansNationals]] {{En dash}} 129<br>34|house_largest_party={{Color box|70147AFDF38E}} [[UnitarianFederalist Party of Hvede|UnitariansFederalists]] {{En dash}} 29286<br>{{Color box|CCCCCC0087DC}} Independents[[National Party of Hvede|Nationals]] {{En dash}} 3|house_largest_party=234<br>{{Color box|FDF38E73AF48}} [[FederalistLibertarian Party of Hvede|FederalistsLibertarians]] {{En dash}} 55129<br>{{Color box|73AF4870147A}} [[LibertarianUnitarian Party of Hvede|LibertariansUnitarians]] {{En dash}} 4129<br>{{Color box|0087DCCCCCCC}} [[National Party of Hvede|Nationals]]Independents {{En dash}} 343|house_map=[[File:2341_Hvede_national.png|350px]]}}Fritz Wentzel declared himself the first President of the Hveden Federation on 13 November 2339 and would maintain control until the first elections under the new constitution implemented could take place on 30 May 2341. This first general election would elect a National Assembly, a chamber with 681 seats, roughly proportional to population. Whereas, the upper chamber, the State Assembly, would elect 1 senator per province. The president would be elected via STV. Fritz Wentzel ran for re-election, while just four parties would run. The Federalists, a new party based on republican ideals, would rival the incumbent Unitarians and National parties. The Libertarian Party would also run.
The '''2341 Hveden Federation elections''' took place across the [[Hveden Federation]] on 30 May 2341. They were the first elections since the formation of the [[Hveden Federal Republic]]. [[Fritz Wentzel]], who had served as [[Prime Minister of Kusfeld]] under [[John I of Kusfeld|King John I]], became the first [[President of Hvede]] following reform on 13 November 2339. Wentzel sought re-election as part of the [[National Party of Hvede|National party]]. The [[Federalist Party of Hvede|Federalist party]] had gained a large amount of popularity following the [[Beletharian Wars]] and Liberal revolutions, and the surrender to [[Ralda]] and an increase to the voting franchise. Alessand Braune was nominated to be the Federalist party candidate. The [[Libertarian Party of Hvede|Libertarian party]] and [[Unitarian Party of Hvede|Unitarian party]] did not put forward a candidate, and no independents ran. Wentzel won 31.11% of the popular vote, while Braune won 68.89%, which saw the Federalists win the election and Alessand Braune being elected as the 2nd President of the Hveden Federation.
Elections to the [[President's Assembly]] and [[National Assembly of Hvede|National Assembly]] took place the same day. In the President's Assembly, 130 seats were to be contested. Federalists won 55 seats, the Libertarians won 41 seats - the second most - while the National party was relegated to the third largest party with 34 seats. No independents or Unitarians won any PA seats. Federalists were short 11 for a majority in the chamber. In the National Assembly, 681 seats were to be contested. Federalists won 286 seats, the Nationals won 234 seats, the Libertarians won 129 seats, the Unitarians won 29, and Independents won 3. Federalists were short 55 seats of a majority in the chamber. The National party lost in both chambers, and the presidency, while the Federalists won all three.
After the election, many Federalists and Libertarians believed both parties had similarities and wanted to reach the same goals. In July, the parties signed the [[2341–2342 Federalist–Libertarian electoral coalition]]. This meant that in the President's Assembly, the coalition held a combined 415 seats (60.93%), a majority of 148, while in the National Assembly, the coalition held a combined 96 seats (73.85%). This gave the coalition great power to achieve their aims.
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