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{{HQ}}{{Infobox country|demonym=Jimarian|conventional_long_name=Republic of Jimaria|common_name=Jimaria|capital=[[Jara]]|capital_type=Capital City|image_flag=Jimaria.png|image_map=Globe Jimaria.png|leader_title1=[[President of Jimaria|President]]|leader_name1=[[Urok Struik]]|official_languages=[[Jimarian Language]]|drives_on=right|currency=[[Jimarian Dollar]]|map_caption=In Light Green are the zones militarily occupied by Jimaria}}
Jimaria is a [[Xomni Statistics|nation]] located in Western [[Alaxia]]. Despite its relative size, it is a notable nation on the world stage, being among the ten nations to possess [[nuclear weapons]] and a frequent member of the [[International Concord]] Security Committee. It is also a hub of film making within the world, starting in 2461 with Urok Ilray's ''An Old Friend.''{{Nation|title=Republic of Jimaria|native=|image=[[File:Jimaria Flag.png|250px]]|image1=|capital=Jara|major cities=Ava, Cealisis, Colirin, Eke, Haci, Mazisis, Rojisis|related countries=|demonym= Jimarian |headofstate=Yarn Sulok |admin=[[File:2495 Parliament (Jimaria).png|250px]]|ruling= Jimarian United Front (JUF)|mostrecent= July, 2495 |languages= Jimarian [Thraxian, Urbaxian, Lothern, Sinkajan] |population=56.83 Million |gdp=$243.6 Billion |gdpcap=$4,286|currency=Jimarian Dollar|driving=Right|armedforces=|navalforces=|airforces=|nukes=Approx. 3800 Warheads|map=[[File:Jimaria Internal Divisions.png|250px]]
Jimaria is a [[Xomni Statistics|nation]] located in Western [[Alaxia]]. Despite its relative size, it is a notable nation on the world stage, being among the ten nations to possess [[nuclear weapons]] and a frequent member of the [[International Concord]] [[International Concord Security Committee|Security Committee]]. It is also a hub of [[Cinema of Jimaria|film making]] within the world, starting in 2461 with Urok Ilray's ''An Old Friend.''
The [[Jimarian Armed Forces|Jimarian Military]] currently occupies large areas to the West of the nation, in [[Jimarian Occupied Ginsukyo]] and [[Jimarian Occupied Thrax]].
== History ==
=== Rule of Mazar (2410-2448) ===
<nowiki>[[Tiber's Rule of Jimaria]]</nowiki>
2410 XY - Jimaria becomes a Dominion, combining Urbaxia and East Thrax after the Fazar-Lothern War, alongside Lothern lands. Mazar, the Urbaxian King, marries the Queen of East Thrax, and a Parliament is created. The Lothern regions are heavily industrialized, but lack food production.
2411 XY - The Capital moves to Jara, in East Thrax, inside a new government building complex, to be closer to the population centers of Thraxia, instead of in Urbaxia. The Keripulis, a volunteer militarized police force is formed with Fazarian support. Construction of the Mazar Canal south of Jara begins, and the Jimarian Expeditionary Forces are formed to serve with the Fazarian military.
2412 XY - Fidiralihev System created, splitting Jimaria into Four Federal States, plus Five Autonomous cities. The states are Urbaxia, Avathraxia (East Thrax), Surajan (North East Desert) and Newal (Lothern Regions). The cities are the four Fazarian-Majority Cites plus the capital Jara. A National Parliament is created, along with the positions of President and Prime Minister, the first elections are held, and the Federal Party wins.
2413 XY - Industrialization and Arms industries (primarily the Askoy Gun Company) allow Jimaria to avoid the worst of a recession. Riots in Newal lead by the "Lotheran Popular Front" break out.
2414 XY - Equipped with armor, shields, and teargas, the Keripulis now serve as the first riot police, and are so successful, Fazar begins implementing their doctrine.
2415 XY - The Newal Riots begin dieing down, the Mazar Canal is opened. An aviation school is opened in Jara.
<nowiki>[[2415-2445 = NPC Jimaria]]</nowiki>
2441 XY - Fazar reorganizes into the [[Imperial Combine]], with Jimaria one of several autonomous states with its own government beneath the Empress and Imperial Congress.
=== Karesh Governorship (2430-2445) ===
In 2430, Arton Karesh became the first Urbaxian, and first Dwarf, elected to the position of Governor of the Dominion of Jimaria. He served two additional terms, being re-elected in 2435 and 2440, before retiring from politics.
=== Cerend Governorship/Presidency (2445-2455) ===
In 2445, Ulmar Cerend, of the Federal Party, assumed the position of presidentgovernor, at the time a position below the King. The first three years of his rule were largely uneventful for Jimaria, until in 2448. In June, the Imperial Combine elected to break up just 7 years after its formation, leading Cerend to become the nation's first President, and then in September, Mazar, long time king and man often credited with the creation of modern Jimaria, died.
Following the death of Mazar, Cerend assumed full executive power, alongside then prime minister Nuray Tsarok (JUF). The pair embarked on a series of domestic and military reforms, culminating in September 2450 when parliament approved a measure to stop recognizing all titles of nobility in Jimaria.
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==== The Thraxian Conflict (2479-2481) ====
[For now Imma just copy paste the [[Thraxian Conflict]] event in here]
September, 2479 - Horyuxia sends 100,000 soldiers to Thrax, Jimaria responds by mobilizing 140,000, to which Horyuxia raises another 100,000, and Jimaria moves to 200,000. Fazar sends an allied 200,000.
Line 231 ⟶ 253:
December, 2480 - Thrax releases information claiming that Horyuxia planted the WMDs Thraxia was accused of developing. Parts of the Horyuxian Government back this, while other parts deny Thraxian Claims
January, 2481 - It is suspected Jimarian strike teams begin to conduct classified covert operations against Thraxian paramilitary leadership. The Jimarian government denies these reports.
February, 2481 - Thraxian forces retake Zwingenmölsen, a port city in Southern Thrax with a small Horyuxian occupation force.
Line 367 ⟶ 391:
Ulgrim's final term was relatively prosperous for the nation, but largely uneventful. Improvements to internet by 2493 were bringing on a new era, but it would take some time for these to be fully adopted.
===Sulok Presidency (2495-Present2510)===
==== 2495 Jimarian National Election ====
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[[File:Yarn Sulok.png|Portrait of Yarn Sulok Ca. 2496|left|frameless]]
After the election, tensions remained between the JUF and WP, so while they have been able to block proposals from the LNU and Federal Party, they have not been able to pass much legislation themselves. This deadlock has left many speculating if the 2500 election might see the incumbent president lose his seat for the first time in 45 years, as the people seek to compromise and put their support fully behind one of the major three parties instead of voting split ticket.
Election Woes aside, Sulok's first term is perhaps most notable for international events, including the South Sea Committee which partitioned the lunar territory, and the war in Vernikia, which saw Jimaria remain neutral even as her allies went off to war in the North.
==== Second Term (2500-2505) ====
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! colspan="3" |2500 Jimarian National Elections
| colspan="2" |Prime Minister
|Yarn Sulok (JUF)
| colspan="2" | Lioth Sslath (WP)
| colspan="2" |Parliamentary Parties
| colspan="2" |Jimarian United Front (JUF)
| colspan="2" |Worker's Party (WP)
| colspan="2" |Federal Party (FED)
| colspan="2" |Lothern National Union (LNU)
| colspan="2" |Urbaxian National Union (UNU)
The government remained divided going into Sulok's second term. International events continued to mark the remainder of 2500, including Jimaria playing a notable role in negotiating the surrender of Erdelicht's nuclear stockpile during their civil war, alongside the rest of the International Concord Security Committee.
==== The Sarmin-Kolosch Crisis (2501) ====
In March, two members of the 2487 Military Reform Committee were arrested on charges of embezzlement, Mister Harek Sarmin and General Emre Kolosch. The crisis was followed closely on JNTBS news, and to the public perception, most notably in an interview between Anchor Thorne Ulhest and committee chair Aroth Ssolak. Ssolak was not charged, but by June, Sarmin and Kolosch were both found guilty and sentenced to 14 years in prison, along with a number of co-conspirators including the CFO of the Askoy-Gun Corporation and the Vice President of Zeraf Aeronautics.
The new members of the committee quickly got to real work, with the Askoy 60-2 Rifle being approved for military adoption shortly after the sentencing of Sarmin and Kolosch.
In July, 2501, the fledgling Jimarian Space Program merged with the Fazarian Space Program to create the Middle Sea Aerospace Association (MSAA)
==== Sinnamahong Intervention (2501-2502) ====
Conflict between Cralasian Terrorist Cell Ple Hussa and the nation of Sinnamahong had reached a fever pitch. Among other atrocities, the Sinnamahong had become acussed of butchering and eating Cralasians in a mass genocide. In 2501, the International Concord Security Committee attempted to mediate a peaceful resolution, and in the ensuing internationally televised negotiations, the Sinnamahese representative murdered the Cralasian one. This prompted the ICSC approval of so-called "Plan B", a joint invasion of Sinnamahong. Jimaria, along with Azyeri, Ciyuga, Fazar, The HKA, Lunidor, Nordleg, Suton, and Skuira formed a large coalition and over the course of 2 months, with some Cralasian Help, quickly capitulated the Sinnamahese government, along with their allies in Yasja Kanusphra, Cammel, and Emphora. Heated negotiations would ensue on what to do next, as a continued war between IC and Cralasian forces seemed inevitable, as the Ple Hussans would not accept anything other than total adheration to the original partition outlined in "Plan B", which included Scoitlanish territory, which the Scoitlanish government backed out on after initially agreeing to cooperate.
In the end, a peaceful resolution was reached, with a demilitarized zone garrisoned by ICSC forces formed between the Free Cralasian State and the IC Mandate of Sinnamahong. It would not be until 2504 that the FCS would have its independence formally recognized and be admitted to the International Concord.
The next two years of Jimarian politics would be rather uninteresting, however, in 2504, in a move mirroring the events in Cralas, the nation of Heboi would begin genociding its Skaven and Elven populations, with the Skaven specifically being moved to farms to be butchered for consumption. A number of nations would move to intervene, including Jimarian air forces stationed out of the Cralas Corporate Republic, and this would eventually spiral into the Second Heboi Civil War by 2505, as the various nations intervening were unable to agree on how to set up the new government after the old was overthrown.
==== Third Term (2505-2510) ====
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! colspan="3" |2505 Jimarian National Elections
| colspan="2" |Prime Minister
|Yarn Sulok (JUF)
| colspan="2" | Lioth Sslath (WP)
| colspan="2" |Parliamentary Parties
| colspan="2" |Jimarian United Front (JUF)
| colspan="2" |Worker's Party (WP)
| colspan="2" |Federal Party (FED)
| colspan="2" |Lothern National Union (LNU)
| colspan="2" |Urbaxian National Union (UNU)
President Sulok's third term would come to be one of the most decisive in Jimarian History, however, the remainder of 2505 would be largely quiet, the most notable event perhaps being the passage of a major affordable housing initiative, building low-income apartment complexes.
==== Operation Clean House (2506) ====
In March 2506, after years of increasing instability, the nation of Ciyuga would collapse into an approximately 30 way civil war, which continues to be fought into the present day. This would be especially dangerous, as Ciyuga possessed a stockpile of nuclear weapons. For a three month period between October and December, a multinational coalition would launch a large assault to secure the weapons, scoring a decisive victory and dismantling over 98% of the Ciyugan nuclear stockpile.
Early 2507 would see the continued decline of the IDDI alliance, with most West Alaxian members withdrawing to re-form CAN
==== Winter Storm (2507) ====
In July, 2507, a huge winter storm would ravage West Alaxia and Southern Arcoria, causing thousands of deaths and severe in economic damage, heavily contributing to a global depression as inflation rates skyrocketed and trillions were lost from the global economy. Then Prime Minister Lioth Sslath would spearhead the Jimarian rebuilding efforts, a move often credited with enabling his presidential victory a few years later.
=== Sslath Presidency (2510-2520) ===
==== 2510 National Election ====
The election saw the collapse of the JUF, which had held onto the presidency for the past fifty five years. Analysists have attributed this to two main factors, the first being the storm and it's immediate response, where Sslath and his party's quick response was able to sway public perception of the WP for years to come. The second, less talked about, was that the JUF had accomplished most of it's goals. The overwhelming majority of the population had become at least somewhat fluent in the Jimarian Language, Jimaria had remained united for one hundred years, and thoughts of the nation dividing were a distant memory.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! colspan="3" |2510 Jimarian National Elections
| colspan="2" |Prime Minister
|Lioth Sslath (WP)
| colspan="2" | Arton Ozdemire (WP)
| colspan="2" |Parliamentary Parties
| colspan="2" |Jimarian United Front (JUF)
| colspan="2" |Worker's Party (WP)
| colspan="2" |Federal Party (FED)
| colspan="2" |Lothern National Union (LNU)
| colspan="2" |Urbaxian National Union (UNU)
| colspan="2" |Enviornmentalist Party (EP)
==== First Term (2510-2515) ====
[[File:Lioth Sslath 3.png|left|frameless|327x327px]]
The early half of Sslath's first term in the presidency was dominated by the ongoing recession, a result of the storm which has catapulted him to the office. Projects were undertaken to mitigate the effects on Jimaria, though their result is disputed. By the end of 2512, the global nominal GDP had returned to pre-2507 levels, which many economists have considered the end of the recession (though this date is disputed). Sslath also championed a number of military modernization reforms, including the adoption of new infantry kit in February 2512 and the addition of 50 Ginsukyoan-made FX-74 planes to the airforce in September 2513. He also saw the start of the JFER/HARP program for the MSAA.
==== 2514 Kessel Bombing ====
On November 14th, 2514, a terrorist organization known as the "Skaven Liberation Army" detonated a bomb in the [[Kessel|Fazarian Capital]], killing hundreds, including dozens of senators and the daughter of Fazarian Prime Minister [[Bruno Yule Salgado|Salgado]], prompting the long-term leader of the country to step down for several years. Prime Minister Hajar would hold a summit with Thraxian Leaders on Pelegros, a Fazarian held island south of Thrax. The goal of the summit was to "liberalize" relations between Thrax and Fazar, however it largely fell through, and tensions between the DMSO and Thrax would remain high.
==== Second Term (2515-2520) ====
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! colspan="3" |2515 Jimarian National Elections
| colspan="2" |Prime Minister
|Lioth Sslath (WP)
| colspan="2" | Arton Ozdemire (WP)
| colspan="2" |Parliamentary Parties
| colspan="2" |Jimarian United Front (JUF)
| colspan="2" |Worker's Party (WP)
| colspan="2" |Federal Party (FED)
| colspan="2" |Lothern National Union (LNU)
| colspan="2" |Urbaxian National Union (UNU)
| colspan="2" |Enviornmentalist Party (EP)
Sslath's second term would see continued escalation between the Thraxian lead West Alaxian United Front and the DMSO. This prompting continued military buildup from Jimaria; including the construction of 2,000 non-nuclear ballistic missiles, what are widely believed (though not confirmed) to be deployments of a number of spy satellites, the creation of the "Gryphon" program to develop a new fighter jet, and in June 2520, deployment of Jimarian soldiers to the Thraxian and Ginsukyoan borders in a widely criticized move, a month after [[Sinkayya|Sinkaja]] withdrew from the WAUF and petitioned to join the DMSO.
Aside from the rising tensions, Sslath's second term saw great successes in the MSAA JFER/HARP program, and the closure of the Colirin Power Plant (at the time the largest coal burning power plant in Jimaria).
In early July 2520, Sslath's brother would plead guilty on charges of tax fraud in a widely publicized story, which combined with the controversial mobilization, would cost Sslath the presidency in election a few weeks later.
=== Struik Presidency (2520-Present) ===
==== 2520 National Election ====
After several recounts, Lioth Sslath is confirmed to have lost the presidency by less than one percent of the vote, leaving federalist Urok Struik to take the presidency. This marks the first time the Federalists have held the office since 2455, despite the WP holding onto the Parliament. The two controversies in the month leading up to the election are largely blamed, though tensions remain high. Many commentators warn that, with war seemingly on the horizon, there could perhaps not be a worse time to have a government so heavily divided. This prompts a press conference in August between Lioth Sslath and president Struik, affirming that while they may disagree ideologically, Jimaria must remain united.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! colspan="3" |2520 Jimarian National Elections
| colspan="2" |Prime Minister
|Urok Struik (FED)
| colspan="2" | Arton Ozdemire (WP)
| colspan="2" |Parliamentary Parties
| colspan="2" |Jimarian United Front (JUF)
| colspan="2" |Worker's Party (WP)
| colspan="2" |Federal Party (FED)
| colspan="2" |Lothern National Union (LNU)
| colspan="2" |Urbaxian National Union (UNU)
| colspan="2" |Enviornmentalist Party (EP)
==== Rising Tensions ====
Through the end of 2520 and into 2521, tensions between the DMSO and WAUF would continue to rise. In April Ginsukyo would announce mandatory conscription beginning in July, prompting the Jimarian Army to call for the creation of three new reserve corps, and the withdrawal of all troops from Cralas back home. Tensions would continue to rise until finally, in December, war broke out.
==== The West Alaxian War (2521-2524) ====
December, 2521 [[West Alaxian War]] Begins
December, 2521 - Ginsukyo attacks the Fazarian Exclave of Tuzal, but is repelled.
December, 2521 - Ceironian Troops in Thrax begin fighting Thraxian forces, rapidly occupying large chunks of the country and knocking out telecommunications in a cyber attack of unprecedented scale - it is disputed who attacked first.
January, 2522 - Following the Ginsukyoan attack, Jimaria invades Eastern Ginsukyo to support their ally, pushing into the nation.
January, 2522 - Hvede, previously loosely aligned with Ginsukyo and Thrax, fires 200 missiles at Ginsukyoan forces.
March, 2522 - Ginsukyoan Forces resist a Jimarian Assault in the First Battle of Makise.
April, 2522 - Jimaria requires all citizens aged 22-24 to sign up for the draft.
June, 2522 - Ginsukyoan Defenders hold against another Jimarian Assault in the Second Battle of Makise. Jimaria calls for over 80,000 draftees by the end of the year.
August, 2522 - South Heboi and the OFN, seeing Ceironia’s invasion of Thrax as a distraction, move to launch an invasion of North Heboi
August, 2522 - A small number of Atlantian Jets and missiles begin a night bombing campaign against nearby Fazarian assets. It is extremely ineffective due to Fazarian air defense.
August, 2522 - The Ozge Stadium in the Fazarian Capital of Kessel is Bombed during a game, the Fazarian Government blames Thrax and declares war. Jimaria soon follows with a declaration against Thrax and Atlantia
September, 2522 - Ceironian and Jimarian forces launch an offensive against Thrax, securing a decisive victory.
September, 2522 - Jimarian forces attack Ginsukyo in the Third Battle of Makise, the city’s defenses continue to hold, even as control of the skies slides further in Jimarian favor.
October, 2522 - Atlantian reinforcements begin moving to Makise, as Ginsukyo begins preparing a heavily fortified fallback line should the city fall.
February, 2523 - Jimarian forces attack Ginsukyoan and Atlantian defenders in a Fourth Battle of Makise. The defender’s air forces continue to crumble away, but ground forces hold as Ginsukyoan artillery bombards Jimarian forces, despite being significantly outgunned on paper.
March, 2523 - South Heboi negotiates with Ceironia to pay a total of 400 Billion in reparations over 15 years in exchange for an end to the conflict before any real fighting
March, 2523 - Ceironia begins a large investment project to help rebuild the nations damaged by the war, plus several more besides.
March, 2523 - Jimaria begins mobilizing forces on a scale unprecedented in the nation’s history, Marshal Khazdor vows to resign if Makise has not fallen by the end of September.
May, 2523 - Thrax surrenders
June, 2523 - Jimaria fails to take Makise in a 5th assault, but a week later, the city finally falls in the 6th Battle, after holding out for 15 Months. Ceironia launches a missile strike against the Ginsukyoan Navy.
September, 2523 - A joint Jimarian-Ceironian offensive dubbed “Operation Atradi” takes a decent swath of land West of Makise and encircles the city of Tsiwa.
December, 2523 - Ceironia Launches a naval invasion of the Ginsukyoan West Coast, securing a decisive victory and taking the capital, Eientai.
December, 2523 - Global protests against the West Alaxian War reach record sizes.
May, 2524 - Ceironia secures another decisive victory in the region around Eientai.
June, 2524 - Ginsukyo surrenders unconditionally to Jimaria. Ginsukyo and Thrax are divided between Ceironia, Fazar, Jimaria, and Sinkaja into military occupation zones.
June, 2524 - Occupation governments for Ginsukyo and Thrax are set up by Jimaria
July, 2524 - Atlantia surrenders unconditionally, and is divided into occupation zones between Fazar, Ceironia, and Sinkaja
July, 2524 West Alaxian War ends
August, 2524 - The Ceironian Occupation zones are changed to 4 Union governments based on the Ceironian Government, Atlantia, Ginsukyo, North Geclaria, and South Geclaria
June, 2525 - Sinkaja formally joins the DMSO
==== Jimarian Occupation Governments (2524-Present) ====
The two occupation zones under Jimarian control are left under Martial Law, under command of Marshals Khazdor and Arvekh, who answer in turn to the Jimarian government. The occupation governments make efforts to cooperate with local leadership, but hold security as their highest priority. All Thraxian and Ginsukyoan Combatants are detained as prisoners of war, and all locals (including said prisoners) are to turn over any weapons beyond small handguns. Border patrols and checkpoints are set up between the two zones, and with Jimaria, including air and naval support, in an attempt to curtail smuggling. Food and Water are rationed, and occupying soldiers are ordered to avoid fraternizing with the locals. A refugee resettlement program is established, allowing those who fled the war to return to their homes, and those left homeless to move somewhere else, if they wish.
==== Second Term (2525-Present) ====
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! colspan="3" |2525 Jimarian National Elections
| colspan="2" |Prime Minister
|Urok Struik (FED)
| colspan="2" | Arton Ozdemire (WP)
| colspan="2" |Parliamentary Parties
| colspan="2" |Jimarian United Front (JUF)
| colspan="2" |Worker's Party (WP)
| colspan="2" |Federal Party (FED)
| colspan="2" |Lothern National Union (LNU)
| colspan="2" |Urbaxian National Union (UNU)
| colspan="2" |Enviornmentalist Party (EP)
Struik's second term has really just gotten started, seeing a real commitment to rebuilding Jimarian occupied Ginsukyo and Thrax starting in September. Jimarian companies, hiring local workers, are given contracts to rebuild roads, rails, cities, and other damaged infrastructure. September also saw the long-awaited HARP-3 Moon Landing, bringing 4 Jimarian and 12 Fazarian astronauts to the moon. A follow up mission is planned, which will involve two craft and 16 astronauts from each nation. As of January 2527, this mission has not launched.
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