Valari Military

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The Valari Army can trace their origin back to it's Nomadic Era through the various raiding war-tribes and the more developed organised force of the Confederation and City-States Era. However, during this time, the military apparatus was mostly disunited. Similar to the confederation, it self, it acted more of like a group of armies under a the same alliance rather than a solid unified force. The earliest record of a unified Valari Army was during the War of the Twelve Kings when Arvicascar's General led the Confederational Army against the Neuvarian League and under the 5 Armies of Volker. Despite it's many large armies and conquests, Valar had only gotten a standing Army during the reforms of Aavar the Great. Although it should be noted that while many of the nation's oldest regiments can trace their creation to this time period, some of them had even older origins, being personal guard regiments of different Kings. The Valari military eventually was reformed under the High Kingdoms and the High Kingdoms Armed Forces.