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Socialist Republic of Yagoaan

Kwắng-An Tjệkwòriế Yàkiệu-Án
Flag of Yagoaan Republic
Coat of arms of Yagoaan Republic
Coat of arms
Location of Yagoaan Republic
Official languagesYàkiệu Têng
DemonymYàkiệu Ngời
Calling code+25
Internet TLD.ya

Overview[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Pre-Colceran Kingdom Era[edit | edit source]

Colceron Civilization[edit | edit source]

The Colceran Civilization was a Kingdom created out of the city of Colceri by the local mayor of the human Tjan Dynasty during the early 1000s which continued to peacefully co-exist with the surrounding primitive Skaven tribes and trade its Hardwood to the surrounding nations. But It would come to end when the Great Plague killed more than 35% of its population and collapsing their society except the small harbor town of Malassia which continues to exist to this day.

Ayvani Migrations and Conquest[edit | edit source]

Following the societal collapse with the Great Plague advanced civilized contact wouldnt be seen again until the arrival of the great Avyani Skaven Horde in the early 2200s. With the Avyani arrival humans were openly genocided and numerous Skaven groups from the East migrated into the empty west creating the Otselic People, a mixture of previous Skaven inhabitants and immigrants from the east. The West would also become the last bastion of the Avyani empire but it'd fall too when the Ionaean empire conquered the area.

Otselic-Colceron Outer-Kingdom[edit | edit source]

With the Ionean conquest the Area was rebranded as "Otselic-Colceron" a combination of the Otselic and Colceran people infused into one entity and rebranded as a Ioanean Outer-Kingdom. The Ionaean government would finally begin building local insfrastracture and converting people to the Ruckini religion and taughting the locals the Standard Runasimi languange

Modern Colceran Kingdom[edit | edit source]

With the end of the Great War the OFN and GDI agreed to create the Kingdom of Colceron out of the Ionaean Empire acting as a buffer state between Azyeri and Ionaea. Although the nation was far from being equal led by the Colcerans who at the time were only 13% of the population and the Otselic skavens having almost no rights. The nation would only last around 30 years and be replaced with a Socialist Republic.

Socialist Revolution 2446-2447[edit | edit source]

Cold War[edit | edit source]

Modern History (Post 2500 XY)[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]