Alamekean period of Empherias

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The Alamekean period was the era of Empherias history between 2036 and 2200. The period began following the end of the Cunningham-Wells War, and the accession of Ristie I to the throne.

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

History by premiership[edit | edit source]

Following the victory of the Cunningham-Wells War, the new Prime Minister Henry Alamekas was keen to stabilise and ensure a long term Royalist control of the council. Having been a huge foreign policy victor, Henry Campbell began appearing more and more in parliament and was made Deputy Prime Minister on 1 January 2037 as he continued growing his skill. He established the Alamekas Documents in 2038 which established that the council would have sovereignty over the powers of the Prime Minister in law with some other minor things. This included an official residence for the PM, known as the Marnie Palace in Marnie Greens, in southern Rosetta, Wynnoa. Continuing his streak of being very democratic in order to appeal to members, he stated that an election for leadership would take place just 4 years after the previous, the next one due in 2039.

Several political appointments were made during these years.

Rule of Rijkdottir Charlotte I[edit | edit source]

Dissolving of the Council of the Elite[edit | edit source]

Following the announcement of the death of the previous Prime Minister, Eghloris Lydekker-Hyrette, Henry Alamekas was quickly voted as the successor to the role on 19 May 2044. This quick vote consisted of many members of the council and ended in 251 members voting in support, with only 18 against the move. Immediately, he set out his agenda of leadership to the council that he would make no major changes in political nature without consent of the council itself. This instituted a precedent of parliamentary sovereignty over the Prime Minister that lasts until the modern day. He created a residence for the office of Prime Minister, known as the Marnie Palace, in southern Wynnoa which would be very close to the meeting place of the Council of the Elite. Soon after this residence was established, he set forth reforming the Council of the Elite into a Parliament. At the time of it's dissolution in 2049, the Council of the Elite held 274 members, which had grown through appointments and all held hereditary positions. This new Parliament would be full of MPs which had to represent a constituency of the country - of which there would be 277 initially. Therefore, all 274 members of the Council of Elite were assigned a constituency to represent, while 3 more members joined. This meant that many constituency boundaries were made of lands owned by a certain lord. For example, Lord Šyluc was a MP for the constituency of Baryn Merc and Lands of Bari Moor - which consisted of seventeen different unconnected lands which varied in sizes. It also resulted in constituencies that had possibility thousands times the number of other constituencies. Nonetheless, it received the backing of all members of the Council of the Elite and therefore it made itself dissolved on 1 May 2050.

The First Parliament[edit | edit source]

The first parliament opened to the audience of the now elderly Rijkdottir Charlotte where all members now swore new loyalty to the queen. During the tenure of the first parliament, another 36 constituencies, and therefore members, were appointed. This included two occasions where the citizens of these constituencies would actually be able to elect their representatives. Therefore, following the first of these elections on 17 April 2053, it can be argued that Empherias became somewhat of a democracy. It also indicates a shift in terminology where appointed un-elected and hereditary MPs were known as Lord-Appointed of the Parliament, and elected officials were known as Member-Elected of the Parliament. At the time of the first session of parliament's dissolution in 2054, there were 311 Lord-Appointed MPs, and 2 Member-Elected MPs. Parliament ultimately dissolved due to the death of her majesty Rijkdottir Charlotte on 18 August 2054.

Rule of Prins Ristie and Rijkse Louis V[edit | edit source]

Prins Ristie and the Royal Prerogative[edit | edit source]

Officially Richard-Stewart Igor John Hyrette, the heir to the throne often went by the pseudonym Prins Ristie. He ascended to the throne at the age of 62 and saw little interest in ruling himself to his interest. Therefore he made a deal with the parliament and the government that he would give more extraordinary powers to the Prime Minister and government through royal prerogative in return for guarantees on his position as figurehead head of state, and a hefty monthly salary to maintain his lifestyle for him and his family. This was introduced as the 2055 Act for the Law of Royal Prerogative which passed in parliament unopposed on 27 September 2055. One stipulation of the law was that it required that any bill passed in the House of Commons must gain royal ascent through agreement with the monarch - meaning he maintained some veto power.

Rijkse Louis V and Henry Alamekas[edit | edit source]

However, Prins Ristie died suddenly of a heart attack on 1 December 2055. Having been a statesman, he had no surviving children and so left the throne to his younger brother Albert, known by the pseudonym Albus Tyrer. Although mostly an uncommon name, it skyrocketed the popularity of the name and Tyrer remains a popular first name even to modern times. He was coronated though as RIjkse Louis V at the age of 58. He too decided to remain unpolitical and passed all laws shown to him from the parliament.

Almost immediately, there was imminent danger of invasion by Palakkinen and Weskynn once again. Henry Alamekas, fearing the worst, ordered the expansion of the Ministry of War and appointed Lord Klaus Heisser MP to the position. He had fears because of the use of a small and new spy programme which had managed to infiltrate the close advisers of some Weskynn and Palakkinen authorities. Furthermore, Palakkinen announced a public alliance with Weskynn in September 2057. The army officially conscripted an army of 20,000 to be held at Westpoint on the western side of the country. Furthermore, the castles near there were improved with new artillery methods introduced, and several smaller castles defending the perimeter.

The Third Weskynn War[edit | edit source]

Weskynn diplomatically insulted Empherias in December 2057 following a message from the king himself to Henry Alamekas. Shortly following this, the Oligarch of Palakkinen died suddenly in March 2058 leading to a panic. This allowed for Alamekas to move 35,000 of the total 47,000 stationed troops in the east to move to Weskynn, while maintaining a small force in case of invasion. The then western strong force of 73,000 troops would wait on the Weskynn border. Empherias invaded Weskynn on 1 April 2058 with a force of initially 40,000 troops moving inwards, with the rest remaining on the border. These troops, split into 41 smaller divisions of equal amounts, would move into small towns on the border, kick out the native Weskynn citizens and use the towns themselves to harvest food. Using this method, they captured nearly a hundred Weskynn towns and occupied the eastern country without much resistance. At which point, the King of Weskynn had mounted an army of 24,000 troops to hold the Montgomery Offensive in late November 2058. They engaged at the Battle of Toulyn on 18 November, where the 24k strong army met 3 Empheri divisions, taking all 2,124 troops as prisoners of war.

Palakkinen could not honour the alliance, which greatly angered the King of Weskynn who tried to get other neighbouring countries on board to create a distraction. Meanwhile, the Weskynn army met a force of 22,000 Empheri troops at the Battle of Trebels which resulted in a close battle but Weskynn victory. The remaining 17,000 Empheri troops retreated to nearby villages but had to keep retreating as the Weskynn army advanced. There was a slow Empheri retreat from their positions wherever the large Weskynn army went however a quarter of the country remained occupied by July 2060. This slow march was infuriating to the King of Weskynn who sought a quick end to the war.

His reign saw another two Prime Ministers: Henry Alamekas II and Edward Alamekas; A change to national tax laws, the Third Weskynn War (2058-2068); the Palaras Crisis (2077); the Economic Recession of 2082; and the Palak-Empherias War of 2088-2091.

In extraordinary circumstances, Tyrer stayed on the throne for 40 years and lived until the age of 98 in 2095. Many thank this due to his large part away from national politics and good genetics.

The period came to an end in 2200 on the election of Conservative Lukas Clementine, beginning the Campbellian period of Empherias.