E sùy yan legis, sinkajjin

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Current anthem of Sinkayya

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

Sinkayyi Original English Lyrics

Ò sinkajjin, ò sinkajjin,

Dizet e sùy kà yan leyisat,

E sùy kà yan leyat

Tavr pahla-Matrzà!


Ravmaridan, ravmaridan,

Sêsan ùstin, sêsan ley

Tanà čì mešay jjyebanan,

Aϑ leyistà yen ùstin bafyan.


Revmaridên, revmaridên,

Kà nan ačêy tanà n'egačey

Senên lunňan, senên ùstin

E kà per sasan,

:Nesêlyen nù gayatin.:


E sùy yan legis, Sinkajjin,

Vrêyšra, nêhasmà

Čigi rozéyivlasnà

Tančigi asti mešay yaϑarà!


Mešayn xliyatin

"Svarajji aft Mradan!"

Sin mešay zerϑan aϑ svanttatan

Nù e govvàyi meša,

en varšyêren, asta:


Per mešayn šêfširan,

Per mešayn hyanan,

Nù asta a kasra Sinkajjà,

Raši, perpahla aϑ palà!


Oh sinkayyans, Oh sinkayyans,

See the sun that now already rises

The sun of that already shines

O'er all the motherland


Record, record,

these days, this light,

as with our creations,

and the virtue of the days that be.


Remember, Remember,

That things weren't as in the past,

Our struggles, our days,

And that for these,

Today we not live as slaves.:


The sun 'lready rises, Sinkayyans,

Blossoms, in the sky

As if a Rose-flower,

As is with our righteousness


We all proclaimed

"Independence or Death!"

With our hearts and our sacrifices,

Today the power, ours,

The workers', is!:


By our swords,

By our souls,

Today is the noble Sinkajja,

Rich, whole and fair!