Esperiy () is the capital city of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia. It is located in the province of Yutra, Ahitereira although is classified as a federal territory - technically independent from all constituent countries of the HKA. It is the seat of the governing body of the HKA, which consists of 600 democratically elected representatives. As of 2522, Esperiy had a city population of NUMBER and a metropolitan population of NUMBER, making it the NUMBERth largest city and NUMBERth largest metropolitan area in the High Kingdoms of Alaxia; and the NUMBERth largest city in Ahitereira.
Name[edit | edit source]
The name Esperiy comes from the ancient Anternian for 'hope'. It was chosen as the name of the wider city to be a guiding principle in the creation and habitation of the city and to create a sense of hope for peace amongst the High Kingdoms.[1]
History[edit | edit source]
The city is unique of the capital cities of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia as it is the only one to be designed specifically to be a capital city. Jonas Gonçal, a modernist architect, led a team of designers for the new city to be made in the province of Yutra.
Geography[edit | edit source]
The city is in the Ahitereiran province of Yutra[2].
Demographics[edit | edit source]
Economy[edit | edit source]
Initially, during construction, the HKA government offered contracts with various national real estate construction companies across the union[3]. This would stimulate the economy and would be shared across the kingdoms, not just Ahitereira.
Culture[edit | edit source]
Politics[edit | edit source]
Government[edit | edit source]
The capital city would be the home for the House of Representatives, the elected governing body of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia[4].
Representation[edit | edit source]
The city is represented in the House of Representatives by the congressional districts: Esperiy Central, Esperiy North, Esperiy East, Esperiy North East, Esperiy South, and Esperiy West. The city is represented in the Parliament of Ahitereira by.
Transport[edit | edit source]
Education[edit | edit source]
Media[edit | edit source]
References (OOC)[edit | edit source]
- ↑ "It's name would be reminiscent of the word Hope, and would be the guiding principle of this city. A sense of hope for peace among the High Kingdoms." - Anto; original RP suggests it is only reminiscent of the word 'hope', while the wiki says it comes from the word 'hope'
- ↑ "in the state of Yutra" - Anto; originally stated as a state but later retconned to a province (but same practical purpose)
- ↑ "Government contracts with various of the national real estate construction companies would be made, in hopes of also stimulating that side of the economy." - Anto
- ↑ "The new capital would be the home for the Central Parliament with 400 seats." -Anto; this was later retconned to 600 to fit with the parliaments of the constituent countries