Provinces of Empherias

Empherias is divided into 15 provinces, the second administrative division in the High Kingdoms of Alaxia after the constituent countries themselves. However, unlike counterparts in Ahitereira, these provinces are mostly ceremonial, with their only real power being to draw the borders of the congressional districts which elect 1 representative to the federal House of Representatives each.

Local government and powers Edit

Powers of the government Edit

Elected leadership Edit

Allocation of congressional districts Edit

Culture Edit

Flags and flag proposals Edit

History Edit

Early proposals Edit

Final proposals Edit

Scrapped powers Edit

List of provinces Edit

Province Nickname Major cities Population Area Density
Wynnoa wynOa Greater Wynnoa grEater wynOa Rosetta Georgina Kaldwryn 13,652,000
Rommes rommEs Greater Rommes grEater rommEs Rommes Mertens Rhequons 7,303,000
Esthullen esthullEn Greater Esthullen grEater esthullEn Esthullen Gallaugh Teisley 6,650,000
The Gates dE gAatEs no nickname Gateshaven Arkegyll Nieuwbourg 6,575,000
The South dE soUthE Proynest Kaatscombe Korswynn 5,928,000
The North dE northE TBD Vreimer Kilswynn Neraals 5,689,000
Norsair norsaIIr no nickname Noreise Freszen Sirense 4,627,000
Weskynn wEskyn the Everglades Elbury Anorins 3,500,000
Vreitrijk vreIItrijk The North-Central dE northE ssentrAl Ivesbury Wilsby Aardveil 3,237,000
The West dE wEstE no nickname Zerwynn Ryken Aldegate 3,127,00
Stadtkaas stadtkAAs Kaaradya kaAradyA Bellscork Demwick Stonegrave 2,993,000
Rovinya rovIInyA no nickname Roviny Karnes Mendegevoed 2,551,000
Palarya pAlaryA Palaras Plaasveil Sinisgein 2,321,000
Durbinia duErbIInIa Empheri Durbinia emphErIas duErbIInIa Irongeise Montress Reisweurn 1,348,000
Tbekien tEEbEkIIen Greater Tbekien grEater tEEbEkIIen Tbekien TBD TBD 137,186