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{{Infobox country|conventional_long_name=Nayrozan Socialist Republic of Sinkayya|native_name=Sinkajjahi Jihùriya Nayrozìh Haym’matadji|image_flag=[[file:Sinkayya.png|Flag of Sinkayya250px]]|common_name=Sinkayya|national_anthem="[[E sùy yan leyisa, sinkajjin]]"|state_anthem="À Pahlaňaràn"|largest_city=[[Širandeh]]|capital=[[Širandeh]]|official_languages=*[[Sinkayyan language|Sinkajji]]|national_languages=*[[Sinkayyan language|Sinkajji]]
*[[Azeyri Azarian|Azyeri]]

Revision as of 17:04, 7 October 2022

Nayrozan Socialist Republic of Sinkayya

Sinkajjahi Jihùriya Nayrozìh Haym’matadji

State anthem: "À Pahlaňaràn"
Location of Sinkayya
and largest city
Official languages
Recognised national languages
Recognised regional languages
Ethnic groups
  • 53.12% Bokanist
  • 46.88% Atheist
  • Federal Yaxovist one-party bicameral directorial socialist republic
  • Unitary Yaxovist one-party unicameral directorial socialist republic (2511-present)
• President of the National Maghisttariya
Ňaryeňa Konnaxantêš
LegislatureSupreme Nayroda of Sinkayya
• Independence
14 May, 2395
• Restructuring of Sinkayya
13 April, 2417
• End of the Nayrozan Union
14 May, 2511
• 2516 estimate
GDP (PPP)2516 estimate
• Total
$1.395 Trillion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2516 estimate
• Total
$2.369 Trillion
• Per capita
CurrencySinkajji Diňar

Sinkajjà or Sinkayya (Sinkayyi: Sinkajjà Standard Sinkayyan Pronounciation: [sinkaça]) officially known as the Nayrozan Socialist Republic of Sinkayya (Sinkayyi: Sinkajjahi Jihùriya Nayrozìh Haym’matadji) is a Socialist Republic located in West Alaxia. Its capital and largest city is Širandeh, located by the Golden Bay. It borders Atlantia to the west, Ginsukyo and Jimaria to the south, Tushinmero to the east and Ruskvy to the north.


Ancient History

Skaven era/Colonial era (2237 - 2394 XY)

From 2237 onwards the tempestian empire conquered the majority of the territories that encompassed the former empire of sassam.

The earlier period of tempest skaven rule was marked by the institution of a strict racial caste system, the abolition of sinkayyan nobility and the persecution of bokanism.

Througout the period there was a rise in Legisan and Lejjiri movements as reaction to the colonial policies.

A more dramatic example of these was the Ghankanì legis, which saw the defeat of the local tempestian garison by peasant forces, but would eventually be subdued by the imperial army.

National awakening

The 22nd century XY saw the rise and spread of sinkayyan nationalism.

The first recognition of Sinkajjà as a nation was by the West Alaxian Congress, convention by which would establish the Eulean Union.

Several liberal revolutionary movements would rise Sinkayyà in the aftermath of the Lothernian Revolution, of note the old yaxoviyin and the Legenna Suyl Society, both of which rejected Classical Unionism and which would later form basis for the Sinkajjì Ňaraya Àrtiš, and who would partake in the liberation of Mêzam.

With the end of the Belegare wars the entirety of Sinkayyà was annexed into the Tempestian Empire.

After the abolition of the monarchy and the stablishment of the vallarist republic active repression of the bokanist church ceased although the caste system was reaffirmed.

The end of the period saw the industrialization of Sinkayya, and the intensification of racial inequality.

Sinkayyan Revolution (22nd of January, 2394 - 2395 XY)

Labour and social movements began emerging in the years preceding the revolution as working conditions worsened. The Yaxoviyi Haymʼma would take a significant role in their upsurge through the creation of underground schools and the smuggling of sinkayyan literature into the country.

Major contribuition to the movements would come from the works of Kêmalah Yaxov Valyarinʼ.

The supression of the Širandeh strikes contribuited to the creation of the Sinkayiyi Harkêt Leyyiran (Sinkayan Revolutionary Movement) out of several other movements that aligned around the principles of yaxovism, sinkayan nationalism, and self-rule.

Support for the SHL rapidly spread throughout Sinkayya, and workers' councils (Sinkayyi: Nayrodan) surged as a way to organize, by part of the workers, the strikes and manifestations. That would eventually evolve into an underground parallel government which held more leverage than the colonial government itself. That system would later form the basis for the principles and the government structure of republican Sinkayya. The escalation of the conflict would eventually lead to the formation of the Sinkayyan Revolutionary Liberation Army which would debut in the battle of Ardanšàh, in the 22nd of January.

The period following the formation of the militia up to independence was marked by partisan activity and urban guerilla by part of the SALL.

By the end of the conflict the Treaty of Recognition was signed between both parties, leading to the passing of the referendum that would ultimately establish the independence of Sinkayya in the 14th of May, 2395.

First Socialist Republic of Sinkayya (2395-2417)

Union of Nayrozan Socialist Republics (2417-2511)

The question on whether should federalism be pursued arose shortly after independence, originally opposed by Yaxov in "Ùstin’yi Mayani". The majority in the congress would eventually vote in favour with the consideration of groups such as the ašryani and saxazì as ethnocultural minority groups waranting the creation of republics for fullfillment of their self-representation, alongside the aknowledgement of smaller groups such as the Sinkayyan Thaiqs and Sinkajji Elven.

Political considerations were also at play, such as the rise of Unionism in the neighbouring Eulean Union and the conditions given by the Republic of Sevaja to join.

The Great War

The ecclosion of the great war would eventually see the entry of the Union alongside Azyeri and Ceironia against Ruskvy and Ciyuga.

The battles of Ghankanì and Xoln’yidèh were won by the Union, after this point most other battles would be skirmishes until the collapse of Ruskvy with the Ceironian invasion of their capital.

Recent History

The Union would be dissolved in 14 May, 2511 by a decision of the Maghisttariya of Nations after long tribulation, started by the ousting of the Governour of Ašryanijja in 2489 upon uncovery of his collusion with the Ašryo-Avašyani ethnonationalist, Rašurdist Rozéaryanne faction.

In the period immediately following a ban was issued on all flags related to the group, citing and controversialy reaffirming the motion that banned Unionist symbols within Sinkayya following the Battle of Ardansàh

Criticism over the state of the Union and the effect federalism had in its later years led to the formulation of a plebscite

The leading investigations and discovery of the extent of the network led to the debate over over-bureaucracy, the extra level of complexity added by the federalization, issues regarding the lack of control over effective state budget oversight by union and its necessity in the modern day.

A referendum on the status of the Union would pass with 84.02% of the votes in favour of its abolishment and the reestablishment of an unitary system.



Sinkayya has a planned market-possessing socialist economy.

The economy is majorily dominated by State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and Collective Enterprises, such as Worker Cooperatives. Most of the GDP is accounted by industrial manufacture, mainly of the chemical and material industries.

Within manufacture the areas with highest GDP production are, in order:

  • Coal and products derivated from Carbon (Fuels, Graphite, Coke, Oils).
  • Medicinal Industry.
  • Products derivated from Silicon and Silica (Semi-conductors, Silica gels and Silicon Wafers).
  • Metallurgy (Steel, Alumminium, and others).

Other areas of significant activity are Software Engineering[1], Energy, and Tourism.


Sinkayya is the first and only Yaxovist socialist republic in Oikia. It follows the delegate model of representation.


  1. Dominated by collectives in part due to how software proprietorship works in Sinkayyan copyright law