Elections in Sinkayya: Difference between revisions

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Debates happen two or three times depending on what the [[Electoral Committee of Sinkayya|Electoral Committee]] finds necessary. After the end of the first debates, attendees would vote in a poll and half of the candidates would be dismissed based on it's results. One to two hours after the end of the final debate (or more if deemed necessary), elections for the local council officially begin. The debates are heavily regulated with guidelines that prevent inflammatory or improper language, and any form of harassment (physical or spoken) to any group, race, or individual. Any candidate in breach will face immediate disqualification and depending on the seriousness could be prosecuted for whichever crime they may have committed. Furthermore, the debates require general respect towards your peers during the debate, and punishes loud voices and yelling with potential disqualification.
Local councils elect their own government (e.g the Leader of thetheir Executive) and the members for the provincial councils. MLCs can be impeached at any point by a two-thirds majority of the LC, impugned by decision of the VayyranVayran Nayroda or Provincial Nayroda or behave impeachedtheir mandate rescinded by a three-fifthfifths majority of workers'the councils[[Nayroda|nayrodan]] from the district the MLC iswas fromelected in. For any government role, the candidate has to pass through a psychological test
To be eligible to any government role, the candidate to the job has to first pass through a psychological test.
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