Elections in Sinkayya: Difference between revisions

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* past organisations or party and details of tenure
* current organisation or party
* medical record (not displayed)
Furthermore, if any of the information provided doesn't match government resources or is insuficient, the candidate will be disqualified for the cycle. If it regards important information, they will be fined and banned from participating for the next 3 electoral cycles. For general crimes, prosecutions and other legal measures, they are taken in accord to their severity and type. For electoral crimes, such as electoral fraud, their right to candidacy is revoked until further notice.
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Local councils elect their own government (e.g the Leader of their Executive) and the members for the provincial councils. MLCs can be impeached at any point by a two-thirds majority of the LC, impugned by decision of the Vayran Nayroda or Provincial Nayroda or have their mandate rescinded by a three-fifths majority of the [[Nayroda|nayrodan]] from the district the MLC was elected in.
ToIn the past, until 2445, to be eligible to any government role, the candidate to the job hashad to first pass through a psychological test.
== List of Elections ==
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