2450–2452 High Kingdoms House of Representatives legislative session

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The 2450–2452 legislative session of the House of Representatives of the High Kingdoms of Alaxia began on 1 January 2450 and ended on 26 September 2452. This was the first legislative session ever, and thus would set a lot of precedents going forward.

The 2449 legislative election was held on Thursday 11 November 2449 and elected 530 representatives of their respective congressional districts. The constitution stipulated that the legislative session would begin on the first day of the year following the legislative election, which would be Saturday 1 January 2450. Because it was not a working day only essential work was carried out on the first day, primarily the formal appointment of the Speaker. The first proper vote in which all members were present was on Monday 3 January 2450 where the vote for the Premier of the House of Representatives was held. Because of the six week gap between election day and the premier vote, it had become clear that the Golden Coalition (consisting of the Liberal Party of Ahitereira and Koresa, Janvariye Jin, the Liberal Party of Empherias, and the Liberal Party of Peryzium) held a majority of seats and that their sole candidate for the premiership could not be challenged. Thus, there was only one candidate to be voted on in the order of business, Gõçal Bitraş (the current leader of the Liberal Party of Ahitereira and Koresa), who won the vote of confidence 291–239.

The session ended on Thursday 26 September 2452 with President Clemenceau Richelieu ordering the official dissolution of the chamber six weeks prior to the 2452 legislative election held on Thursday 7 November 2452.

Formal appointments

The first priority of many early votes and decisions of the premier was the appointment of positions within the chamber. The cabinet had to be appointed alongside the House of Representatives' many committees and committee chairs. The outstandingly large result of the Liberal Party of Ahitereira and Koresa (LAK) in the election meant that Bitras went relatively unchallenged as the Golden Coalition's candidate for premier and thus didn't need to make major concessions. Regardless, he wanted to appoint all three other party leaders in his coalition to key and important appointments in his cabinet. Syena Lilesgalen, the leader of the largest Kiavalari party Janvariye Jin, was appointed to Secretary of Justice; Klara Elise Hale, the leader of the Liberal Party of Empherias (EL), was appointed Chief Secretary of the People to oversee many labour-focused ministries; and Las Mavrakos, the leader of the Liberal Party of Peryzium (LPz), was appointed Chief Secretary of Domestic Affairs to oversee many utility and infrastructure focused ministries.

Despite having the least amount of seats out of the four parties, Janvariye Jin lobbied hard to receive the Defence portfolio, where Lyran Rolasen was chosen. LAK member Zalaşar Laré, a key ally of Richelieu, was appointed Foreign Secretary by the President as one of the only cabinet appointments that the premier cannot make. Ŗato Vevãri was appointed Chief Secretary of the Treasury, one of the most prestigious roles, as a long-time friend of Bitras.

He opted to choose loyal members of his own party for the main three other secretaries to more tightly control the agenda, and did so in co-operation with the president. The remaining 13 members were divided along roughly proportional lines by how many seats each party got. This translated to 2 more cabinet members per party except the LAK getting 7 more. The EL received Transport and Labour portfolios because of their generally pro-labour stances and passion for transport investment in Empherias. Janvariye Jin was granted Special Interests Abroad and Trade portfolios to allow representation of the other significantly populated country in the HKA. LPz was given Energy and Housing, while the LAK received the rest. This was the full cabinet including junior appointments:

Cabinet position Name Seat Party Notes
Premier of Esperiy Gõçal Bitraş LAK Leader of the Liberal Party of Ahitereira and Koresa
Chief Secretary of the Treasury Ŗato Vevãri Naizui LAK
Secretary of Commerce LAK
Secretary of the Environment LAK
Chief Secretary of Foreign Affairs Zalaşar Laré LAK appointed by President Richelieu
Secretary of Special Interests Abroad Ashsdan Vatal JJ
Secretary of Trade Kizh Kordas JJ
Chief Secretary of Defence Lyran Rolasen JJ
Secretary of Intelligence LAK
Chief Secretary of Domestic Affairs Las Mavrakos LPz Leader of the Liberal Party of Peryzium
Secretary of Energy and Resources Munutros Mundelis LPz
Secretary of Agriculture and Nutritition LAK
Secretary of Transport Victoria Houghton EL
Secretary of Science LAK
Chief Home Secretary Klara Elise Hale EL Leader of the Liberal Party of Empherias
Secretary of Labour and Pensions Scarlett Aguilar EL
Secretary of Education LAK
Secretary of Health LAK
Secretary of Housing Iotas Mattas LPz
Secretary of Justice Syena Lilesgalen JJ Leader of the Janvariye Jin

Committee makeup

First year (1 January 2450 – 31 December 2450)


expanded history
