Thraxian Conflict

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This article is about the war that lasted from 2479 to 2481. For the 2521-2524 invasion of Thrax, see West Alaxian War.

[For now Imma just copy paste the Thraxian Conflict event in here]

September, 2479 - Horyuxia sends 100,000 soldiers to Thrax, Jimaria responds by mobilizing 140,000, to which Horyuxia raises another 100,000, and Jimaria moves to 200,000. Fazar sends an allied 200,000.

October, 2479 - At the very end of the month, Horyuxian forces in Thrax begin a coup against the Thraxian government.

November, 2479 - Fazarian forces begin an invasion of Thrax. About two weeks later, Jimarian forces move to secure a 60 kilometer “Border Zone” to prevent the war spilling into Jimarian land. Shortly later still, Horyuxia explains they needed to invade because Thrax was developing biochemical, and possibly nuclear, weapons of mass destruction.

December, 2479 - Thraxia’s Capital, New Dinsmark, Falls to Horyuxian forces.

January, 2480 - The Thraxian City of New Farbanti falls to Horyuxian forces, though at heavy losses. Horyuxia begins a harsh crackdown on anti-war media and protests.

February, 2480 - Tongburg, in the South of Thraxia, falls to Horyuxian Forces despite a victory for the Thraxian Airforce in the skies above. Halwerp, in south-central Thraxia, falls to Horyuxian Forces. Dübenbon, in north-central Thraxia, is taken in a crushing Horyuxian victory, cutting the North of Thrax off from the Southern Peninsula.

March, 2480 - Bischoftal, in Northern Thrax, is just barely held against Horyuxian forces. Wijnsingen, located near the Jimarian border, falls to Horyuxian-Jimarian Forces.

April, 2480 - Schaffsoix, in Northern Thrax, falls to Horyuxian Forces.

May, 2480 - 10,000 Lunidor soldiers arrive in Thrax to protect their and the International City’s investigation into the Horyuxian WMD claims. Fazar secures Air superiority and begins a large-scale bombing campaign against Thraxian industry and military targets.

{Between January and June, 2480, a number of smaller engagements between Horyuxian and Thraxian forces result generally in Horyuxian victory and occupation of large parts of the country}

June, 2480 - Paramilitary groups and the Thraxian Army begin an offensive, focusing on Horyuxian and Fazarian forces. An international coalition of investigators are sent to Thrax to determine the truth in accusations of WMDs

July, 2480 - Thraxian Forces attempt to liberate Halwerp, but are driven back by the Horyuxian occupation force.

August, 2480 - Thraxian Forces liberate the capital, New Dinsmark, from Horyuxian occupation.

September, 2480 - Lunidorian military forces secure an area in Southern Thrax to shelter Lunidorian Nationals and Ethnic Lunidorians in Thrax

December, 2480 - Thrax releases information claiming that Horyuxia planted the WMDs Thraxia was accused of developing. Parts of the Horyuxian Government back this, while other parts deny Thraxian Claims

January, 2481 - It is suspected Jimarian strike teams begin to conduct classified covert operations against Thraxian paramilitary leadership. The Jimarian government denies these reports.

February, 2481 - Thraxian forces retake Zwingenmölsen, a port city in Southern Thrax with a small Horyuxian occupation force.

{After February, 2481, fighting dies down to mostly skirmishes}

June, 2481 - The International City / Luindor release their report that Thrax had no WMDs. Accusations of bribery call this conclusion into question. The International Concord Coalition Investigation deems there were some Biochemical weapons in Thrax, but it's inconclusive if they were planted or not.

July, 2481 - The International Concord Hearings determine, unanimously, that Horyuxia conducted an unjust invasion and levy sanctions against them. Horyuxian Troops withdraw from Thrax, and Fazarian troops follow.

September, 2482 - The Horyuxian Government is overthrown by a mob of protestors and the Ceironian Union restored. This coup can trace its origins back to the divisions in the country sparked by the war in Thrax.

December, 2482 - Jimarian Troops end their occupation, as the government deems the region has stabilized.

July, 2483 - Lunidorian forces, who have retained their occupation of a city in Thraxia (Called “Laa Neastrada”), are blockaded by the Thraxian Army and Navy, and eventually driven out.


Thraxia: 208,045 Soldiers, 38 Aircraft, ~827,400 Civilians, $232 Billion in Damages to Industry and Infrastructure.

Horyuxia: 129,075 Soldiers, 50 Aircraft

Fazar: 5,312 Soldiers, 10 Aircraft

Jimaria: 7,639 Soldiers, 2 Aircraft

Lunidor: 789 Soldiers

International City: 1 Inspector