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Wynnoa, is the capital and largest city of Empherias, and the third largest city in the High Kingdoms of Alaxia. The city stands on the north bank of the River Ewynn in central Empherias. Wynnoa has been a major settlement for half a millennia being founded by Prins Ristie in 1998. The Borough of Laowyn has been the location for the national government and parliament since it was moved from Esthullen in 2439. It, alongside the other forty-nine boroughs, comprise the modern borders of Wynnoa. Each borough acts it's own municipality but all boroughs are governed under the County of Wynnoa, led by the Wynnoa Assembly and Mayor Wynnoa. The current Mayor of Wynnoa is socialist Alex Russell, having taken over from socialist Lena Brandst in 2490. The largest in terms of population, and the richest economically, is the Borough of Rosetta. It is also a hub of big business with many big businesses have headquarters in the city, especially on Merigold Street.

Wynnoa is one of Alaxia's most important cities. It exerts considerable influence on the arts, entertainment, fashion, finance, media, tourism and research. Wynnoa's universities are notable with many students coming from all of the world, most notably the Royal University of Rosetta. It hosts the Wynnoa Stock Exchange. The home stadium of the Empherias Football Club, Rosetta Stadium, has hosted the High Kingdoms Football Cup multiple times, and hosted the final of the Football GPA World Cup in 2480.