Timeline of nuclear weapons

This page is dedicated to the timeline and history of nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Possession Edit

As of 2500, the following countries possess nuclear weapons, listed in order of most[1] warheads to least:

  1. Ceironia – 75,000
  2. Suton – 45,000
  3. HKA – 44,000
  4. Fazar – 44,000
  5. Solan – 25,000
  6. Azyeri – 10,000
  7. Jimaria – 4,000
  8. Ciyuga – 3,000
  9. Nordleg – 600
  10. Erdelicht – 600

In order of highest[1] combined yield to least:

  1. Fazar – 700 gigatons
  2. Azyeri-Bordo – 350 gigatons
  3. HKA – 230 gigatons
  4. Ceironia – 120 gigatons
  5. Solan – 60 gigatons
  6. Suton – 50 gigatons
  7. Jimaria – 40 gigatons
  8. Ciyuga – 20 gigatons
  9. Nordleg – 120 megatons
  10. Erdelicht – 50 megatons

Details Edit

  1. 1.0 1.1 This is only an approximate value.

History of Nuclear Weapons Edit


August - The Holy Tempest Empire develops the First Atomic Weapon


December - Suton develops the Second Atomic Weapon


January 6 - Nuclear Weapons First Used in War

February - Solan develops Atomic Weapons


January - Ceironia and Azyeri develop Atomic Weapons

June - Fazar develops Atomic Weapons


February - HKA / Mem / Vamu program develops Atomic Weapons


June - Ceironia develops the first Hydrogen Bomb


June - Suton develops the second Hydrogen Bomb

November - Nordleg develops Atomic Weapons


February - Jimaria develops Atomic Weapons

September - The International Concord Passes the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, banning any nations which did not possess nuclear weapons as of 2461 from possessing them


January - Azyeri and the HKA develop Hydrogen Bombs


January - Solan and Jimaria develop Hydrogen Bombs


September - Cralas launches a nuclear strike against Suton, using weapons stolen from Ceironia. Ceironia, Suton, Solan, and Jimaria launch retaliatory nuclear strikes.


May - Ladros develops an Atomic Bomb, illegally

June - Ladros relinquishes their nuclear arsenal to Suton


February - Erdelicht illegally develops nuclear weapons