Timeline of video games

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This is a timeline of video games

Early games[edit | edit source]

  • 2458: The HK Electrics MCM-9, or Micro-Computing Machine-9 is invented in Suton. It has an 18-bit word size with 4096 words as standard main memory, and a cycle of 5.35 microseconds, 2700 transistors and 3000 diodes. It could project to a CRT monitor.
  • 2458: Alo!, one of the largest electronics company, releases the AEDP-1, an easy data processor with an impressive 9kb of size, upgradable to 65kb, at a price of $120,000. A digital vector-based game called 'Man in Space' letting you play as a spaceship in a dogfight is created by the University of Avno.
  • 2472: A table tennis themed arcade video game is released in Ginsukyo by Irata, selling 100,000 units, and sold better than knockoffs.

2479[edit | edit source]

  • May – Gaming and Gamers, a small tech company has developed their first video game console. The company approached a multitude of investors, but they saw it mainly as a luxury for the rich and not a general populace device. However, a Hannokarian billionaire would purchase commercial real estate within urban cities to construct video game arcades to gain money from tickets. Arcades would sweep Fazar.
  • May – A small group of Fazarian students create a program that allow people to connect to a network, linking multiple computers to upload and download software. Early video games are programmed, and rights were sold to the largest tech company in Fazar.

2484[edit | edit source]

  • Irata (いらた) would create a video game console to play arcade games at home: The Irata 6969, using an 8-bit processor at 2.20 MHz, with a resolution of 160x190 pixels and 220 bytes of RAM. It would sell thousands.

2486[edit | edit source]

  • The Solanese video game company Play.co releases the Tenten Entertainment System in July 2486. It runs on a 8-bit system, with 20 launch gmaes: 8 sports, 4 racing, 3 fighting, 2 action, and 3 platforming. The most hyped game is '2411: Battle of Kedan' featuring 2 campaigns about the GDI and OFN, which is delayed until 2490 to allow for both campaigns to be put in. It eventually releases 4 years late, but with two campaigns. Originally planned to have 20 stages each, and a difficulty setting, the final game had just 12 stages each with no difficulty settings. Promised multiplayer was also never achieved. The console cost $120, with games between $20-$40.

2487[edit | edit source]

  • January – The video game scene in Fazar explodes with the rise of smaller and compact computers with more complex behaviours. This has created some tournament culture in arcades. The first Fazarian video game console, known as the The Muscle, is released.
  • February – Kessel General would release their portable console, the Playboy where users could play different games with cartridges. It was first released in Fazar, but would become purchasable internationally by late 2487. Games released such as Fazarian Space Defence, Battle Boats of Ceironia, Super Suton Brothers. It dominates Acoria, but competes heavily with Solanese rival in East Alaxia.

2489[edit | edit source]

  • Digital Internationale, a company from the International City, would release a handheld console known as the Portable Entertainment System (PES). Most games are incredibly simple: A top-down dungeon crawler, a side-view dungeon crawler, and a top down racing-like game.
  • Dokudedū, a Ginsukyo IBN computer company, would release it's own Handheld Gamesystem to rival the Playboy. It was technically advanced with an LCD, backlit colour screen and a battery life of 12 hours nonstop. It uses a ROM card with savable memory and would be sold in two variants: GS Handheld Classic ($149) which would bundle itself with a TV tuner, and a link cable for two player play; and GS Handheld Lite ($99) which cannot support multiplayer or TV tuner, and lacks backlit technology, with a longer battery life and cheaper price. A $75 million loan is taking for advertising campaign worldwide.
    • It would be released with 8 launch titles, all supporting LinkSystem. Two major launch titles were FX-74 Simulator, a flight simulator that came in bundle with all GSHC. It uses linksystem for dogfight simulation; and Plumber of Eientei, a platforming game that each GSHL comes with.
    • The system is a smash hit, with over 75 million units sold within two years and handhelds are hit with fierce competition. The classic sells the most with the link cable. It is usually also bought by owners of TES Genesis or Playboy consoles.

2490[edit | edit source]

2492[edit | edit source]

  • September – Failure of the TES Genesis sees the Tenten Handheld be released. It will have colour and cost $110. Squirrel Boy 2 as a launch title. It is planned interally for active support until 2498. Manages to sell 90 million units total (just 10 million in the first six months), and less than 2 million units worldwide in the first 3 years, facing harsh competition against Ginsukyo in all Alaxian markets, and against Fazar in all Acorian markets. But it does make small markets in these of less than 10%. No successor is ever made.

2495[edit | edit source]

  • Dokudedū release their new home video game console, the Dokudedū Aerairu retailing for $300. It has a 32-bit single chip CPU that is easy to develop for with simple but powerful APIs. It will be the first video game console to have a focus with 3D games.
    • It would take advantage of CD for greater storage.
    • An addon for the launch would be developed allowed you to play Gamesystem Handheld games in an upscaled resolution.
    • Another addition was the Linkless System. This was built in for the $400 model, Aerairu Pro, but is essentially a small but powerful 60kbit/s modem for online play and internet, and a custom chip to allow an internet browser.
    • The company would begin visiting all game designers globally and showing them impressive but easy to develop for system. Major Solanese companies would begin to work on the Home, and thus Doku increased their market share heavily in Solan and outpaced Play.co consoles. It was the only 3D and home console in their market. It become widespread across Alaxia, and even hit into Acorian markets. The release of this console revolutionised gaming.
    • The system would sell 90 million copies by 2498, and would reach 250 million copies by the time of it's successor's release in 2501. This is helped by translations. The console sells 110 million units across East Alaxia alone, 10 million in Fazar, 75 million in West Alaxia, 25 million in Acoria, and 30 million across Qatesh. It became the best selling console in history.
    • The system permanently changes the market we know. It kills the domestic Solanese market, hurts Fazarian products in Alaxia, and allows Doku to become the primary video game company in the world with the largest market share. Their ability to release 3D games is unparalleled, and there are no major companies releasing home console systems.
    • In 2499, Discourse is released, an early relay chat allowing users to talk to each other worldwide with a purchasable $10 keyboard attatched to the console.
    • The first grand strategy game, known as Monkeybattle, featured monkeys fighting for dominance in a turn based system of exploration, colonialisation, with a tech tree.

2500[edit | edit source]

  • Dokudedū IPO reaches $50 billion
  • Doku announce the successor to the Aerairu, known as the Dokudedū Didi, to release in 2501.

2501[edit | edit source]

  • Dokudedū Didi releases in 2501. It sells 30 million copies by 2504.
  • Ring: Combat Evolved is released by ASA Productions and releases on the D–Dadi in December 2501. It is a first-person three dimensional shooter game featuring a hyper enhanced Oikian super soldier saving the planet from the Elites organisation of aliens. It introduced weapon classes, weapon balancing, 20 player PVP modes, vehicles, and more. It sold 1 million copies in a week, and had sold over 20 million copies in Hvede by 2503. Worldwide, it would sell an additional 10 million copies.

2504[edit | edit source]

  • 14 October – Nimroy Entertainment's primary video game subsidiary, Beausailles Art Studios, releases a third person action and crime video game called 'The Executive'. Based on 2470s and 2480s Kashini in a satirical fashion, it takes place in the fictional town of Sunshine. The storyline is freeroam and allows you to play as a street hussler or a legitimate casino owner. Primary antagonist is a mockery of John Nimroy and the CNIC. It is the most advanced game by Beausailles, with a new engine being created known as BASED, allowing semi-realistic rag doll physics and higher-poly faces and improved lip syncing. The game sells 1.5 million copies in one week, and sold over 18 million copies by 2506 in Ceironia, and another 8 million worldwide.

2507[edit | edit source]

  • October – Prodij Racing, a racing game based off of the Prodij Universe, is released by Empheri studio Speelje.

2518[edit | edit source]

  • Red Rock Studios is founded in Heboi, and is put in charge of a sequel to the 2510 Red Star game published by Dokudedū. Red Star 2 is released.